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"You killed our mother, now we're gonna kill you." The sons continue to beat Billie until Conrad interferes and fights them. One of the boys gets a hold of Billie and pushes her against the railing causing her to fall and hit her head.

Conrad rushes to her aid while the guards pin down and arrest the boys. "BILLIE!!!" "No, No, no." gently grabbed her in his arms, and as he looked at her still form, it felt like everything was happening in slow motion, this couldn't be happening, not again. Conrad pulls it together and gets up and runs to get her to the emergency room, he enters and starts screaming for help, Devon, Leela, and Hundley run over to him, asking what happened. "The guys found her and attacked her, they pushed her against the railing and she fell down the stairs while I was trying to stop them.... *tears start to fall from his eyes ''blunt force trauma to her head and skull, potentially cracked ribs, she hasn't regained consciousness, I couldn't... her pulse was so slow.... Devon comes to his side, "Hey, Billie is strong, she's a fighter." While Hundley is putting her on the monitors and putting an IV in to get fluids going, she looks up at Conrad, " Should we call Trevor?" Part of Conrad wants to say no, there's nothing wrong with her and she'll wake up and be mad we worried him for nothing... because Billie Sutton not being ok wasn't something Conrad was willing to entertain, but he ended up saying "Yes, I'll call....." before he could a sound he hoped to never hear again filled the air... *Flatline noise" and he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He gets up and pushes past Devon who was doing CPR, jumping on the bed, continuing compressions, putting every bit of strength he had into them, not taking his eyes off her monitors just begging the universe to bring her back to him. "Come on, come on, come on."

"Don't do this Billie, you gotta fight." "DADDY?!!! AUNT BILLIE?!!!!!" the little voice bringing him back to reality, Gigi, his little girl, his whole world standing there looking more scared than ever before, that made Conrad move. "Hundley take over compressions, do not stop." Gigi runs towards Billie, tears streaming down her face, but Conrad stops her, "NO, LET ME GO, I NEED TO MAKE HER BETTER, I HAVE TO HELP HER." " Bubble, I know, but you have to let Uncle Devon help her okay." Then he heard the sound that made his world start spinning again, "She's Back! We got a pulse!" Conrad closes his eyes, relief flowing through his whole body, "Damn it, her left pupil is blown, we need to get her to surgery right now, LET'S GO, LET'S GO." before he can say anything Devon is moving Billie's bed and before he could stop himself something came over him, "Hundley, take Gigi to Kyle's room, please." "Of course—" "NO, I wanna stay with you." "Bubble, I need to make a call okay? It's to help Aunt Billie, I will come to get you as soon as I can." Gigi just stares at the floor for a moment and then looks at him tears streaming down her cheeks with a whimper and asks " Is Aunt Billie gonna die like Mommy?" And for the first time in a long time, Conrad is speechless, his little girl shouldn't have to deal with this, shouldn't be terrified of losing more people she loves, "Gigi, I promise Uncle Devon, me, and a friend of mine are going to do everything we can to save her." "I know you can do it, daddy. You can save everyone. Now go save Aunt Billie." leaping into his arms and giving him the warmest hug." She smiles and grabs Hundley's hand and heads to her grandpa's room. Conrad immediately starts to run to the surgical wing pulling out his phone, he wasn't gonna let just anyone operate on Billie, he wanted and needed someone he could trust... and he knew exactly the right person. *Dial tone noise* "hello?, Conrad?" "Eileen, I need your help." "What's wrong? What happened?" "It's my...." and for a moment he's silent, what does he say? What is Billie to him? She's Nic's best friend, Gigi's aunt, but why does it feel wrong to just call her that, why does it feel like when Nic was attacked or when she died.... "It's my colleague, she was attacked, and fell and hit her head, her pulse was barely there, and she coded and her left pupil blew, it's bad, can you come to Chastain and operate on her?" Eileen could hear the desperation in Conrad's voice and she couldn't help but wonder if this "colleague" was much much more than that. "Of course, Conrad, I can be there in 10 minutes." "I... uh... thank you... you have no idea what this means..." trying to keep himself from getting emotional. "I'll meet you at the lobby." He hung up and ran to Kyle's room to update Gigi. As he approaches Kyle's room, he sees his precious girl curled up next to Kyle on his bed while Kyle tries to reassure her.... "Your Mom always talked about Billie, and how lucky she felt to have a friend like her... Listen munchkin, your Aunt Billie is gonna be ok, and once she starts getting better, you'll get to be her nurse, like you've been mine, okay? You are your mother's daughter and trust me, Nevin-Hawkins nurses can make anything better okay? She's not gonna be with your mom or your aunt Jessie yet, okay?" "You promise?" And Conrad swears he hasn't heard her sound so childlike in years, and it makes his heart hurt, "Yes, my girl, I promise." Conrad takes that as a good cue to enter... "Knock, Knock." "DADDY!!!" Gigi hops off the bed and almost knocks Conrad down, "Hey, hey, it's ok, now listen..." Conrad bends down so he's on Gigi's level, "Your Aunt Billie fell and hit her head pretty hard, she needs surgery to make it all better, so daddy's friend is coming and going to fix Aunt Billie now okay?" "Can I come with you?.." and he doesn't know what to say, his sweet girl looking at him with those eyes, she reminds him so much of Nic it takes his breath away, but he doesn't know if it was a good idea or what Nic would do.... Kyle looks at his Son-in-Law, and sees the struggle Conrad's dealing with, so he decides to help, "Why don't you stay with me for a few hours, huh? I haven't gotten much Granddaughter time and I don't want to waste another second, we can color Aunt Billie a picture, and your dad can come to get you when the surgery's done?" Gigi looks at her grandpa and her dad... "Okay, I'll draw me as a nurse helping Aunt Billie." as she goes to sit next to the bed and starts coloring. Conrad closes his eyes and looks at his father-in-law giving him a silent thank you. Kyle smiles and nods and turns his focus back to Gigi, "now what color should I use..." Conrad gets up and leaves but turns around and looks at his little girl and hopes she gets to give Billie that picture.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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