Summertime Sadness (Caseoh x FemaleReader)

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(Y/n POV)

It is a hot summer afternoon, Im floating in the pool being my beautiful self. I gasp as I watch this absolutely gorgeously huge lifeguard walk past, his name tag says "Caseoh", I want him. He is in preparation to do a cannonball, as everyone urgently exits the pool and begins to brace for impact. I stay and I notice him looking at me and I feel a hot blush spread across my cheeks. As he jumps into the pool, my life flashes before my eyes. All I see is loads of water fly out of the pool and I feel my back hit the cold hard concrete of the bottom on the pool.

(Caseoh's POV)

I'm heading towards the other side of the pool to show off my trick and shock all the folk around. This beautiful women catches my eye, she is magnificent, brunette, deep brown eyes, tan skin with freckles sprinkled all over. I notice as I prepare all the other people rush to the stairs of the pool but she stays. I want her. She's gorgeous. We make eye contact and a dark crimson spread across her cheeks as she floats on a pool noodle. I jump in and watch all the water practically evaporate out of the pool as I hit the water. I look for her and my eyes find her just as her back slams against the rock hard concrete (not the only thing that's rock hard right now) of the pool ground. I rush over to her side as she lays what appears to be lifelessly. I begin to give her mouth to mouth as I notice she has a pulse still. I finish resuscitating her, she stares into my eyes and kisses me deeply. I pick her up bringing the pool noodle with us. I begin to kiss down her body and rip her swimsuit off like the incredible hulk at the same time. I spread her legs and begin to insert the thick, girthy pool noodle into her puthay and she throws her head back and hits it on the ground as I chuckle. As I begin to pick up the pace, faster and faster until she creamed everywhere. Then I trespassed her from the pool, and we never spoke again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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