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Chapter 1 Start over
  The weather in August changes at any time.

  The sky was clear just now, but at this moment, it suddenly became gloomy, and even Yuanbao Mountain in the distance was shrouded in dark clouds.

  The wind blows from the fields, bringing with it moisture.

  Seeing it, a heavy rain is coming.

  There is a village at the foot of Yuanbao Mountain called Yuanbao Village.

  There is a crossroads at the west end of the village, and facing north is a yellow sand road leading to the provincial capital. There is a big willow tree on the roadside, and seven or eight people are sitting under the tree.

  They were waiting for the bus to go to the provincial capital.

  At first, everyone was chatting happily, but gradually, they became anxious.

  The car hasn't arrived yet. If it rains heavily, there are crop fields all around. Where can we hide?
  People couldn't sit still.

  They stood up one after another, some looked up at the sky, and some looked at the yellow sand road to the south. Unfortunately, there was not even a shadow of the bus that usually drove over.

  Aunt Wu was also anxious.

  When she turned around, she saw Luo Yufen's eldest daughter Shen Qianfei still sitting under the root of the tree without moving. Not only did she not move, she fell asleep.

  The little girl's brows were furrowed, and her eyes seemed to be tinged with indigo. Was this girl so happy that she was going to visit her biological father in the provincial capital and stayed up all night?

  Aunt Wu curled her lips disdainfully and muttered in a low voice: "What an immature white-eyed wolf..."

  After saying that, she still walked over, stretched out her hand to push her, and said anxiously: "Feifei, you Why are you still asleep? Wake up quickly. It seems to be raining today. Do you plan to go home or continue to wait for the car?"

  Shen Qianfei's body was shaken a few times by the push, and the broken hair on her forehead fell with the movement. On the eyes, a strand of hair swept over the curled eyelashes, causing a slight sting.

  She suddenly opened her eyes.

  When Aunt Wu saw her waking up, she was about to speak, but suddenly she froze, feeling like her heart was being grabbed.

  What kind of eyes are these?

  Like glass soaked in ice, it carries a heart-stopping despair and coldness.

  Shen Qianfei looked straight at Aunt Wu, who couldn't help but take a few steps back. This girl is so scary. Is this a demon or a nightmare?
  Shen Qianfei couldn't help but close her eyes. What's going on? Isn't she dead? How could she see her neighbor Aunt Wu in her hometown?

  She suddenly opened her eyes again.

  Aunt Wu didn't die of heart disease early, how could she still be alive?

  She quickly glanced around, then stood up suddenly.

  As far as the eye can see, there are endless fields. She is standing under the big tree on the roadside. Opposite the yellow sand road is a low yellow mud wall, with five big characters written in white on it: Only one child is born. !

  Isn't this the entrance to Yuanbao Village, my hometown?
  Looking around, there are several familiar and unfamiliar people.

  They looked at her strangely.

  She looked at them intently.

  Including Aunt Wu standing in front of her.

  Immediately, Shen Qianfei swayed a few times. Aunt Wu frowned, hiding the doubts in her heart, and stepped forward to support her: "You girl, you got up too quickly. Are you in a coma?"

  Shen Qianfei No words were spoken.

  Leaning against the thick tree trunk, with his head lowered, the memories in his mind came flooding back.

  Today is August 2, 1987!
  She actually went back to fifteen years ago!

  Shen Qianfei suppressed her racing heart and tried hard to calm down her emotions.

  She raised her head and forced a smile towards Mrs. Wu. Her lips moved, but she didn't say anything. Then, she held down the satchel she was carrying.

  She remembered this day too clearly.

  She also knew what was in the satchel.

  Turning around, in the distance, there was a small mountain village surrounded by green trees.

  It's where she was born.

  Shen Qianfei's mind was in turmoil, but her actions were decisive.

  She jumped up and ran towards the village.

  Aunt Wu shook her head inexplicably, and someone next to her said with a smile: "Feifei is afraid of getting caught in the rain, so she runs like a rabbit..." "

  Isn't she clamoring to go to the provincial capital to see her biological father? Why don't you wait? Car?"

  "...Everyone in the Shen family is a white-eyed wolf. What evil has the Luo family done..." "

  Okay, stop talking behind your back. It's going to rain heavily. Why are you still waiting? "?" Aunt Wu asked impatiently.

  "But didn't the weather forecast say it will be sunny today?"


  Shen Qianfei left all the mixed voices behind.

  The heartbeat was getting more and more intense, as if it was about to burst out.

  She ran through the willow forest and past the elementary school behind which was planted with castor beans.

  At your feet is a yellow sand road that leads to the Qingshui River to the east of the village.

  She stopped in front of a yellow mud house.

  This is my grandmother's house, where she has lived for several years.

  She touched her trouser pocket, and sure enough, the key was inside.

  She unlocked the door, pushed open the door, and walked toward the path flanked by wicker fences.

  On the right is a large vegetable garden. You can see all the vegetables common in the north. Green beans are hidden in the leaves. Golden pumpkins climb up the low wall. Purple eggplants and red tomatoes make this vegetable garden lively. Lively.

  The yard was quiet.

  Shen Qianfei walked around the yard and then entered the house with excitement.

  Everyone in the family went to work in the fields.

  There was no one around at this time.

  Squeezing the military green satchel she was carrying, Shen Qianfei suppressed her racing heart and took out the contents of the satchel with trembling hands. It was wrapped in a plaid handkerchief. When she opened it, she found a green bracelet.

  Deep hatred flashed in her eyes.

  Fifteen years ago, when she was just sixteen years old, she listened to her father Shen Jianming's words and stole the jade bracelet passed down from her grandmother's family. Then she got on the bus to the provincial capital and gave the bracelet to Shen Jianming.

  Her father, Shen Jianming, was an educated youth from the provincial capital. He went to the countryside in 1968. In 1969, he married the second daughter of the brigade party secretary, her mother, Luo Yufen.

  Later, Shen Jianming was admitted to college and returned to the city. He disliked that his mother, Luo Yufen, was from the countryside. He soon changed his mind and hooked up with a female classmate in his class. When they divorced, she was nine years old and his sister was seven years old.

  When she was admitted to the No. 1 High School in the provincial capital with excellent results, Shen Jianming came to see her and asked her about her welfare. At that time, she felt that her father was still a good father to her.

  Just last month, Shen Jianming said with a sad face that the jade bracelet passed down by his Shen family was still in the Luo family. It was originally a betrothal gift for his mother, but it was hidden by his grandmother. But his grandmother was old and wanted to take a look at the Shen family. Things left by the elders...

  Actually, the jade bracelet does not belong to the Shen family, it belongs to grandma, and is the only valuable thing in the Luo family.

  Originally, I planned to sell it so that I could see a doctor for my mother.

  My mother was gentle and simple. She never thought she would be abandoned. After her divorce from Shen Jianming, she couldn't bear the stimulation and fell into depression.

  At that time, I didn't know it was depression.

  I just knew there was something wrong with my nerves.

  The days that followed were chaotic and desperate. It seemed that all the misfortunes started after she stole the bracelet.

  At this moment, a bolt of lightning pierced the hazy sky.

  A thunder sounded overhead.

  It seemed like the whole land was trembling.

  Shen Qianfei was also shocked.

  She squeezed the thing in her hand tightly, and a coldness flashed in her eyes. How shameless that scumbag Shen Jianming must be to coax his own daughter to steal a bracelet from her grandmother's house and give it to the woman he later married. .

  After the incident, he not only denied taking the bracelet, but also claimed that she had inherited her mother's disease and forced her to drop out of school. Later, he sold the bracelet and gave Shen Jianming a new apartment and a good future.

  How stupid she is!

   Finally, the new book has been introduced to everyone. With a feeling of trepidation, I sincerely ask the babies to continue to support me and collect it with your little hands. Thank you all~~~~
    In addition - there is a reading group, if you are interested, please come in and chat - 316689483
  ( End of this chapter)

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