Intelligent dead reader x injured eclipsor

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No one requested this oneshot but i thought of it

Your POV

I was laying down on the ground, leaning my back agaisnt a large rock. I calmy watched as deads and toxic deads pass by me, not bothering to acknowledge my prescence.

I camly write down on my note book the behavoirs of the deads writing down the things they do when they are not hostile, it always intresting to watch as some deads seem to remember things from their past lives while others don't while i, to my knowledge, remain as the only one who remembers everything before becoming a dead.

I watch as the majestic moon rises shining bright in the cold dark places of the forest, i stare at the wonderful sight for a few moments before getting up and putting on my cloak.

I walked around in the forest  enjoying its natural beauty, i then hear a shout in the distance "s-stay back you order scum!" I curiously walked over to where i heard the voice came from.

I kneel down behind a bush and see a spearton 2 archidons and a swordrath closing in on a injured eclipsor who's bow was broken.

"No where to run now eclipsor" the swordrath says as he raises his blade above the eclipsor.

I slowly step back to try and get out of here but i accidently step on a twig as the group of order osldiers look at the bush i was hiding behind.

"Whoever is hiding behind there reveal yourself now!" The spearton says, i sigh as i stand up from my hiding spot my cloak covering my face and most of my body as i raise my gloved arms in the air.

"State your business, stranger, we were about to kill this eclipsor before you interuppted" the swordrath says as he glares at me.

"Ah, i am sorry for interuppting i was jsut passing by and was curoise on what was happening here" i say as i take a few steps forward.

"Don't move any further" one of the archidons says. "Why would someone passing by go through these parts of the forests, these place is filled with dangerous creatures, so you better go back to wherever you came from" the other archidon says.

"Hmph, so be it then" i say as i start walking the opposite directions.

I looked over my shoulder to see they focused their attention back on the eclipsor.

I then reached into my cloak pulling out a dagger. I quickly turn around and throw it, it flys through the air and stabs right into the head of the swordrath as the swordrath drops down lifelessly.

The archidons and spearton are suprised when they se the dagger kill the swordrath, but they soon turn around to face me as the spearton charges tiwards me while i camly walk towards him my hands at my sides.

The spearton thrusts his spear at me but i sidestep and swiftly kick his legs making the spearton drop to his knees as i pull out a 2nd dagger from my cloak.

Before i could stirke it into the spearton a few arrows are fired at me, the arrows succsesfully hit me, as the archidons grin thinking im gonna die, their grin dissappears as i don't even scream and just stab the spearton in the spine then dragging it acroos the rest of the sleartons spine as he drops down liflessly aswell, a majority of his spin cut in half.

One of the archidons steps back in fear "h-h-h-ow our you unaffected from the arrows?!" The 2nd archidon screams at me.

I don't answer as i camly walk towards them as i wack the arrows of off my body.

"W-who are y-you" one of the archidons say. I let out a cold low demented laugh "oh me? I'm just your regular nobody" i say with my face still ocvered as i continue walking camly towards them.

 "If you don't wanna end up like your spearton friend over there, i'd advise you to run away and never return" i camly stated.

The archidons look at eahcother nad start running away, i sigh as i walkover to the swordrath and removem y dagegr from his head and out my daggers back in my cloak.

I kneel down towards the eclipsor and reach my hand towards them "need some help?" I say camly, the eclipsor slowly grabs my hand and i help it get up.

The eclipsor looks at me and then asks "t-thank you, for saving me just now" "ah its no problem, after all people like us have to look out for eachother" i respond.

"Follow me back to my place so i can fix you up." I say as the eclipsor nods as they rap their arm around my shoulder to support themself.

As we walked to my place the eclipsor asks "may i ask, what are you exactly? You don't look like an eclipsor nor are you as tall as a juggerknight." I chuckle a bit "oh me? Im just your regular dead" i stated as the eclipsor looks at me bewildered.

"Wait what?! Their is no way you are a dead, if you were then why don't you smell and how can you talk properly?" I take off the top of my cloak revealign my face which look somewhat like a dead but not fully and just somewhat.

"Do you believe me now?" I say as the eclipsor looks even more bewildered than before "wait wait wait how is this possible?! How jsut ho-" i cut them off "its best i explain once we get to my place" i say as the elcipsor nodded in agreement.

Timeskip to when we get there

We arrived to my house which had 2 floors and had a abandoned like vibe o nthe outside, when we entered my house the inside was all good as new and looked completely different from the outside.

I set the eclipsor down on the couch as i go upstairs and grab some bandages medicine etc.

I head back down and started treating the eclipsor.

After a few minutes i fnished treating the eclipsor, the eclipsor looks st me then speaks " oh yeah, i forgot to ask. Whats your name? Im alex" i respond "well alex, im Y/N" the eclipsor chuckles then speaks again "heh, weird name" i respond "i get that alot."

"So mind explaining how you got injured and stuff" i say as the eclipsor responds with a bit of sadness "well, me and some of my comrades were patrolling around a bit until all hte suddenly a group of order scum ambushed us i was the only oen the survive i tried to fly away but an archidon shot me down, and yeah the rest is history" the eclipsor then spoke again "since i told you what happened to me, you tell me how the fuck you are a not dumb like the other deads?"

I sigh as i lean back on hte chair i was sitting on. "Oh boy, that is gonna be a loong story" 

Welp thats all for now readers, see ya'll folks next time 

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