Nightmare Frontier

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[Somewhere within Patch]

The atmosphere is grim with heavy rain falling down, as if the world itself was mourning a loss. On top of a cliffside overlooking a dense forest lies a grave. The person that the grave belong to must have surely been a great person, for there are many standing beside their grave.

[Summer Rose]

[Thus Kindly, I Scatter]

The folks that attended her funeral were her family and friends. A husband solemnly lamenting her death, a daughter crying her eyes out, another daughter too young to comprehend the situation, a friend looking over her grave with haunted eyes his sister nowhere to be seen, two teachers lamenting the tragedy that keeps happening over and over again.

"Yang... what happened with mommy?"

Her sister couldn't answer her. She didn't have the heart to tell her exactly what happened to their mom. Noticing the child's distress one of the teacher, a man with white hair, approached her.

"Child...while it would be best if you have never experienced this event at all. I'm afraid to inform you that your mother won't be coming back anymore."

"So...I won't be seeing her anymore?"

"Yes, unfortunately..."

The child could do nothing but cry as her mother was torn from her. The man still remains impassive.

"We'll be going now Tai."

The man told Tai as he and his partner left. Tai did not respond. 

"Are you okay Tai?"

Qrow asked concerned. 

"Yes...I'm fine. Could you bring the kids back home?"

"Of course."

Qrow took the two children's hand and leads them back home. Leaving Tai to wallow in his lonesome. 

Ruby, tired from all the crying fell asleep on their way home making Qrow carry her the rest of the way. Once they got home he put Ruby to bed and sat down in the living room with Yang.

"*sigh* This is even worse than last time...


"Wait you heard that?*groan* Me and my big mouth. Anyway forget about that, pretend you didn't hear it."

"What do you mean by 'last time'? You can't just pretend you didn't say that!"

"Look kid, it's complicated it'll be better if you learn about that when you're older."

"I have to know uncle Qrow."

 The tension between the two is getting thicker by the second. The silence continues on as the two stare down each other. Seeing as Yang isn't going to relent regardless of what he did he finally relents. He told her of how Summer isn't actually her mother but it was his sister who was her mother.

"Even though you weren't her child by blood. She still loves you as if you were one."

Yang went silent after hearing of that. The revelation seems to have put her into shock.

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