Salad Fingers fic

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Spoons on my lips.

Those rusty spoons.

I swallow, the rust brushes my oesophagus.

I think I'm choking. The spoons feeling lingers over me, as I remember my bread, with home...

I feel guilty. Sweet innocent bread who would never think that I was cheating on her. Once, she was beautiful....fresh, soft, plump and voluptuous...

Now...she is mouldy.

It's too late now...I am with the spoon, his rust- all over me...

I promised bread I would take her for dinner tonight. But I couldn't help it. My salad fingers needed this. I finger the spoon and the feeling of rust, against my salad fingers,  is almost orgasmic.

The things spoon made me feel...what the mouldy bread at home could never- The sensual sounds she nails against her rust....

Bread was just a pain du megot...but this..

This won't be the last time. What would bread say if she found my salad fingers all over spoon-

Something happened.


A wave of remorse and regret overwhelms me, I knew she couldn't handle it if I went all out- but I did it anyways. 

I see the lifeless spoon before me, but literally...

The rust on her curves is very I really considering doing this?

I resume caressing lifeless spoon with my long salad finger...this was all I cared about.

Not about bread back home.

Not the fact that I just killed someone.

Just that I am here.

And I'm gonna salad finger like there's no tomorrow-


(credits to the original author, whose incredible work I have adapted and re-posted)

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