Chapter 6

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As Monday morning rolled around, Draco had gotten dressed to start his day.

A delicious aroma errupted from the kitchen where Blaise was making belgian waffles for breakfast.

"Ah, decided to some exploration in your culinary journey?"

Draco took a seat on the dining table as he read through today's paper.

"A 'thank you' would suffice." Blaise rolled his eyes before bringing three plates of warn waffles to the table. The waffles were thick, topped with a dolloped cream and were drizzled with syrup and a side of berries.

Theo came in with a huge smile on his face. "Good morning, peasants." he waltz into the dining table and took two plates with him as he retracked his steps to his bedroom, he stopped mid-way on the stairs. "Thank you. My companion and I will devour these delicious waffles in my bed chambers."

Blaise raised a brow, "I take it you had a lovely weekend, Theodore."

"Delightful, dare I say." he looked at the plates. "Do you reckon you have more of these cream? I'd like to test a theory."

The series of disgusted, mortified looks shared by Draco and Blaise were combined with their words at the same time.

"Disgusting." said Blaise.

"It's 8am." said Draco.

Theo smirked, bowed his head slightly before closing his beddoor.

"Merlin. I can't look at dollop creams the same way now." Blaise groaned before setting aside the cream to the side of his plate.

Draco chuckled, taking a sip of his black coffee. He set the paper down before cutting his own waffle into a bite-sized piece. "Much planned for today?"

"I've got a meeting with a client in an hour, they want me to source a Muggle painting. Then, I'm meeting Daphne for dinner."

Draco smirked. "So you went for the younger sibling after all."

Blaise rolled his eyes. "It's just dinner. I'm sincefely hoping she wouldn't be moping about your failed relationship with her older sister."

"Astoria and I ended years ago. I'm pretty sure she's married with some Pureblood bloke."

"Yeah, but you forgot at the fact that she's.." Blaise put his pointer finger on his temple and circled it. "Cuckoo."

Draco couldn't help but choked slightly on his coffee before letting out a small laugh.

"I'm serious. Married or not, I don't think she'll let you get away that easily. Honestly, you leaving her at the

"It was barely an altar. It was the Malfoy's rose garden gazebo."

"—Right. But that isn't my point. You left her high and dry." Blaise pointed his fork at Draco.

"She knew I didn't want to do it."

"To do what?"

"Relationship, settling down. You knew it wasn't my priority." Draco stabbed a strawberry.

"And how about now? Have you put some thoughts into being in one on your 'it's a fresh start' journey?"

It was Draco's turn to smirk. "My, my, Blaise. Are you trying to play cupid?"

Blaise laughed. "Just asking, you twat."

After a brief moment, Draco spoke again. "I don't know. I'm not opposed to the whole idea of it, of course."

Blaise hummed.

Draco leaned back, jutted his chin towards the laptop on the table. "By the way, Granger fixed your laptop."

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