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"Another beer?" my best friend Haerin asks.

"I better not."

She smirks. "So you're really going to go through with it, huh, mate?"

"What's the big deal? You took a fake date to prom."

I chuckle to myself, remembering the year Haerin took her cousin to the dance. She thought it was genius at the time—no corsage to buy, no need to impress her with a fancy restaurant or limo ride. Until the end of the night, when all the rest of us were enjoying some skin-to-skin contact with our dates, and she realized what a horrible decision she'd made. The only skin-to-skin action she got was with her hand.

"A fake wife is a hell of a lot different. It's a big fucking deal." Haerin glares at me over the rim of her beer.

Looking out over the ocean from our spot on the porch of the beach cottage, I level her with a dark stare.

"Actually, it's legally binding, so she'll be my real wife. Until we got divorced, or got the marriage annulled or whatever."

"Do you even hear yourself? This is insane. You can't marry some chick you don't even like."

"Who says I don't like her?"

Her eyes widen. "I'm not talking about the unrequited lust-fueled crush you've had on her since you were a horny teenager."

I rub the back of my neck, feeling the stirrings of a headache. "What do you expect me to do? It's part of my father's will. This is my—no, our condition for taking over the company. No marriage means no inheritance, period. For either of us."

Some people may say that being thrust into such luxury from the start makes you immune to it all, but that's not true. I've never taken a single day of it for granted, and there's no way in hell I'm going to give it up without a fight.

Haerin releases a loud sigh, and her gaze follows mine out to the water beyond. "I just think you should really think this through, Minji. Marriage is a big deal. It's not something to be entered into lightly."

Between the two of us, Haerin's always been the voice of reason. For every brazen and rash idea I've had, every time I've jumped into the deep end without thinking, she's helped steer me back onto the straight-and-narrow path. She's been my best friend since we were fourteen. As the two new kids at a prestigious boarding school, we became inseparable.

"Trust me when I tell you I understand the gravity of the situation."

My father's death last year was a huge wake-up call. The fate of his $100 billion company suddenly dropped straight into my hands. I had to be ready to take over. And I am—I'll do whatever it takes. Of course, it doesn't hurt that my bride-to-be is the woman I've always wanted.

"There has to be another way," Haerin says after taking a sip of her beer. "Besides, with your wandering eye and perpetually hard dick, you're terrible."

Ouch. I'm not that bad, am I?

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