candy overstimulation!

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3-4 🩷
Little: will Byers
Caregiver: mike wheeler


Mikes Pov.

I feel my stomach bubble with excitement as I pedal my bike down to wills house.
My mom just got done taking at least ten million pictures of me and I was getting sick of it.
me and will were going to go trick or treating, he said he felt anxious about going out after all of the upside-down stuff, but I think I reassured him enough to come.
I stopped by his house at about 12 minutes after leaving mine and was excited to finally see will.
I knocked on his door and waited, I didn't realize how cold it was this evening until now, I guess I was really caught up in my thoughts on my way.
I break away from my thoughts when I see the door open and see Mrs. Byers at the door, I smile at her and give her a small hug.
  "Morning Mr.'s Byers! Is will home?" I say excitedly almost jumping right out of my Ghostbusters costume.
She smiles softly at me and ruffles my hair, "yes wills upstairs getting dressed in his costume right now, why don't you come in and wait for him" she says opening the door more for me to enter the home.

I Sit at the kitchen table fiddling with my costume pieces and waiting for will to come down, I heard a few thumps upstairs then a yelp, yep that's will.
His mom walked upstairs to see if the clumsy boy was ok as I absolutely devour the peanut butter and jelly she prepared for me.

After what felt like hours of sitting at the table, I look up to see will walking down the stairs smiling and talking to his mom,
''well in the book Theo Really likes Boris but not as much in the movie" I hear him say then he turned towards me and his face flushes pink,
I wonder if he was hot? Maybe, I look at him and his out fit to see that the costume was a little big on him, it's rather cute seeing how short he is and how the costume is sewn by his mom.

"Hi mike!" He says happily and sits next to me at the table while Mrs. Byers gets his bag for candy, I examine his features a little, he was paler than normal, most likely from the upside-down almost frown at the thought of how he must have felt down there, he was stimming a little patting his lap with his hands making a "pap pap pap" sound,
I always found wills stims funny and cute although the others found it annoying, I would usually give them a sharp glare before they even try to say something,
I remember that one time that will biked home crying because Lucas said something about will rocking back and forth, said something like "will can't sit still if the Demogorgon told him!" And I immediately told him off.

I giggle at will from the way he was now slightly bouncing in his chair, he looked at me and looked embarrassed stopping his movements and looking away, "will I wasn't laughing at you I swear!" I say putting my hand on his shoulder and look at his to find any signs of discomfort in anyway, he smiled and started making a clicking sound while flicking his fingers slightly.
Just as he started Mrs. Byers walked in with wills decorated Halloween bag and some starter candy, he smiled at her and gave her a hug, "thanks mom! I'm going to head out with mike "he said softly in her chest.

We're biking down the road and he seems a little nervous and him making slow down, he took looked at me confused and stated to speak "Mike? What's wrong?" he said, no a clue that I noticed how anxious he was. I get off and stop by the store causing him to follow me in.

I look up to the bitch that tried to get me to prostitute my sister I almost slapped him right then and there for that stunt he pulled at the arcade dumb bitch... Will wondered off to another part of the store most likely looking for candy or a stuffy, Oh  ooooh.. he might be switching between ages; I look up to see him looking at a specific stuffed animal in the store with a wide smile.

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