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Sitting on the classroom floor. Knees up to your chest hands on your face. Face red. Mind many things: confused, surprised, baffled etc... 

"What are you doing?" 

*You gasp and look up* "M-Mr. Aizawa?" "Yeah, kid... Why are you not at lunch right now?" 

You go to speak but nothing comes out and your face gets redder than Kirishima's hair. You stutter again but he interrupts you. "Just go to lunch. It's almost over and I don't want to deal with your grumpy ass for not eating." He says as he walks to his desk and pulls out his sleeping bag. 

You don't hesitate to get up and walk swiftly out of the classroom with your head down. As you leave the room you bump into someone and fall to the ground. Looking up you see Mina also on the ground with you holding her head. 

"Y/NNNNN that hurrrrt." She whines. "Why are you just now leaving the classroom anyway? Lunch is over." *You gasp even louder seeing as you won't eat until dinner comes around now. * 

You turn your focus to Mina now and basically jump on top of her to tell her EXACTLY what just happened but once you reach the girl and sit on her you look up slightly to see a pair of shoes facing you. Following up to who the shoes belong to you see Bakugo standing above the two of you and staring down with an unamused face with crossed arms. 

"Uh- Y/N? Are you ok? What's up with you today?" Mina asks while being trapped by you who isn't even giving her the time of day. 

Slowly looking back down to Mina with a face as ig you just saw a ghost. Just play it off as if you were shocked about lunch and not about to tell her everything BAKUGO just did like a minute ago. Hold up how tf did I stay in there for that long? How the hell did my ass miss LUNCH!?! 

"You. Mean. To. Tell. Me. I. Missed. Lunch?" Now giving the poor girl, a death stare. 

"uh... Yeah gurl-" She was interrupted by Bakugo. "MOVE IT EXTRAS IM NOT GOING TO BE LATE CAUSE OF YOUR ASSES!" walking kind of past, us but bumping me off of Mina. 

"Um what do YOU mean by late? YOU made me miss lunch!!!" He stops in his tracks but doesn't turn around. 

"What do you mean he made you miss lunch Y/N? He was at lunch with us. Lol he sat at my table and all." Mina adds but none of you are actually paying attention. Cause you now are no longer on the fact that he just surprised the hell out of you earlier and got all up in your space but the fact that you can't eat now. 

Bakugo slowly turns his head and side eyes you smirking. Why the hell is he smirking? 

Confused, you tilt your head at him about to ask him what the hell is his problem, but he beats you to it. "Yeah, Y/N? How am I the reason you missed lunch?" 

Eyes widen as you quite literally cannot handle him and his games. What is his game anyway? Trying to make me look crazy in front of everyone?  I'm going to tell Mina anyway. Loser. 

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" Not knowing you called him a 'Loser' under your breath. He stomps up to you and towers over you with an angry face. Looking up you stare into his ruby red eyes. Forgetting you're in a school for a second your face is calm which makes him angrier. He thinks your messing with him. 

He grabs your collar and slams your body into the lockers. "Say that again!" 

•‿•  "Loser" you say with the calmest voice you could muster up.  Honestly making him angry is kind of funny. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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