chapter 1

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 I felt a pain in my arm and warm liquid drip down my arm. I had been shot! I felt like I was frozen in place  the realization hitting me like a brick. I look back into James eyes they weren't the loving blue eyes I loved they were cold as ice no feeling left.  pain shot through my arms and I winced grabbing my arm as if it would sooth the pain I felt. Steve immediately ran over to me trying to moving my hand so he could see the wound on my arm. he stood in front of me in a protective stance as he went to check my bleeding arm, I took my arm away from him still in shock from what just happened. 

"Kathrine let me see your arm please" he begged he wasn't the kind of person who dealt well when me or Bucky were hurt. I kept my arm out of reach I never liked peoples help and that wasn't going to change just cause it was my best friend. Just then James had seemed to snap out of the trance like state his eyes were back to their loving stare, as soon as he spotted me tears brimmed his eyes

"oh my god! I'm so sorry kitty" he went to reach out for me, but Steve caught his hand and stopped him, James seemed taken aback by this. This won't be the first time they fought about me, but it was going to be the last because I wasn't dealing with this twenty four seven

"don't touch her Bucky," there was warning in Steve's tone when he spoke to James I hadn't heard him speak to James like that in a long time, Steve's tone put both me and James on edge even if I wasn't the one getting warned I knew not to anger him right now, but at the same time I didn't want to deal with the fighting. 

'what do I do?' 

I thought. I didn't want to anger Steve, but I also didn't want to listen to fighting all damn day, that's when I looked down and noticed I was bleeding pretty bad now. 

"uh....Steve" I said trying to get his attention which was unsuccessful this man never pays attention when I really need him. I started to get angry again he never pays attention when I need him only when he's being annoying. Finally he looked back at me his eyes widen when he sees the amount of blood on my arm now. He turned to James rage blazing in his eyes. 

"look what you've done James!" he yelled pointing to my hurt arm which was bleeding pretty bad, me and James go wide eyed Steve hadn't called James, James since hydra. It wasn't only the name that shocked us but the fact Steve was yelling most times when they got in a argument James is the one yelling while Steve is calm and talking. All my sane thoughts went out the door

"Steve calm down and help me or I will just do it myself." I knew I hit a nerve cause he clenched his fists and turned to me, I knew he hated when I denied his help but I needed them to stop fighting for one damn second.  

"Kathrine you will sit in that chair stay still and let me help" by his tone there was no arguing with Steve on this, he sounded so much like a father right now it wasn't even funny. My arm was covered in my blood and the room started spinning and my vision blurred, my legs gave out beneath me and everything went black.....


word count: 617 

♥ hey y'all hope you enjoyed, I will try and update often if I don't sorry bout that. but don't forget to comment and please vote. ♥
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ bye ladys, lads and non binary pals ♥

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