there she goes (again)

Start from the beginning

"Couldn't have a better spot!" said Mr. Weasley brightly. "The field is just on the other side of the wood there, we're as close as we could be."

Mr. Weasley was eager to set up the tents by hand, the way Muggles do it. I had gone camping only once when I was much younger — neither my father or I had enjoyed it much. My favorite part was starting the fire — I almost singed my hair off. I doubted Harry had ever gone camping with the Dursley's, since he was looking to Hermione.

Thankfully, she was able to figure it out on her own. Mr. Weasley got a bit too excitable with the mallet, but in the end, the job got done.

The three of us were looking at the boy's tent incredulously — there was no way it would be able to fit everyone. Fred handed us our tent from his back and Hermione, Ginny, and I set to work on ours while the boys explored theirs. I nearly dropped the mallet when I saw Mr. Weasley crawl in, followed by Harry, followed by the twins, followed by Ron, without any sort of bulging or cramping from the sides.

"Huh?" I was truly at a loss for words.

"Probably an Undetectable Extension Charm," said Hermione excitedly. "Hurry — we'll see ours when it's all done!"

After our tent was erected, we climbed in and I gasped. Inside the tiny tent was an entire three room flat complete with a kitchen and bathroom.

"What did I tell you?" Hermione grinned while looking around at the rooms. "But honestly, this is incredible! I'll bet the boy's is bigger too."

"I wonder what it's like if you just crawled in without any of the poles," I said curiously. "Would it be all squished on the inside or would there be nothing to see?"

"We can test that out when we're packing up tomorrow," Ginny said. "There's no way I'm taking this down again after all that work."

We took a tour of the boys tent afterward, which was, in fact. bigger, but there was a prominent smell of cats. I decided I rather liked our tent better.

"We established that we'll need some water," said Mr. Weasley. "Girls, there's a tap on the other side of the field. You could grab some for us, if you don't mind," Mr. Weasley said to us. "The rest of us can gather wood for a fire."

"But we've got an oven," Ron said pointedly. "Why can't we just —"

"Ron, anti-Muggle security!" Mr. Weasley protested. I could tell he was really just excited to do things the Muggle way. "When real Muggles camp, they cook on fires outdoors. I've seen them at it!"

Mr. Weasley handed us some buckets and a kettle to go fill at the tap. Now that the sun was up, the mist was beginning to clear and we had a good view of the tents around us. We passed a myriad of strange things on our way over, many of them being small children playing with their parents' wands or riding toy broomsticks. Many wizards and witches were making breakfast — stealthily starting fires with their wands or using matches with incredulous looks on their faces.

It truly astounded me how many cultures and countries were here to watch the World Cup. I truly hadn't thought about how many magical people existed in the word beforehand. I wondered what their Wizarding schools were like.

There were many languages I didn't recognize, and the various foods being cooked made for a sensual feast. My stomach growled. Hermione giggled and led me toward a concession stand selling food.

"I dunno, I'm not sure I could finish a whole turkey leg," Ginny mused, looking at the options.

"I could," I said as I got in line. "I'll get you a side of poutine. I think you'd like it."

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