Just An Apple

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Michael Jackson and Tatiana strolled in the streets of New York after leaving their hotel. 

Michael kept on a firm disguise of a scarf around his head and Tatiana walked freely as herself. She was dressed in a black spring dress with an overcoat as long as Michael's.

"You know why they call New York the Big Apple?" Tatiana said.

Michael chuckled early, interested. "No?"

"Because it stinks!" Tatiana laughed. "Have you ever smelled rotten apples before?"

"Not that I can remember," Michael muttered. He took a whiff of the cool air, catching a taste of garbage and pepperoni. "It does stink."

"At least it's easy to find work." Tatiana said. She smirked, "you met me before."


"We were both walking down a street here, just like this. You just didn't know who I was. But...I knew who you were, by the eyes."

Michael became quiet. "I knew that you looked familiar...." He turned her way and met Tatiana's curious, budding grin. "Yes, I...it was you, then."

Tatiana could see Michael's eyes full of emotions beyond the black lenses of his Raybans. A ring sounded and the sea of people around them began to churn. 

"Light's green," Tatiana said. She began to lead Michael ahead. Then, she felt a thick, leather glove squeeze her hand gently. Michael smiled at her and guided her across the street. 

They stepped on the curb and let their hands meld. Their steps began to savor every inch through the safety cone jungle ahead.

Tatiana's heart raced as Michael silently took the lead, something she was used to doing in other dates.

"Thank you," Michael mumbled. "For, um, answering the phone."

"I thought it was my courtesy wake-up call," Tatiana said before letting out a hearty laugh. Michael turned a pretty pink when he chortled along.

Tatiana softened and took him seriously. "Don't even bother. It's not like you could tell someone else about...those dreams. Captain Eo," Tatiana giggled.

"Is that what I'm called in your dream?"

"Yes. Remember? A year or two ago you were in that Disney thing. With George Lucas?"

"Yes, I remember the name, it's just that's the first time you said what I am in your dreams."

"What am I in yours?"

"I...don't remember. That's not exactly who I care about, anyway."

It was Tatiana's turn to blush. 

Michael said, "we have twenty minutes left. We should get back to the hotel."

"You haven't asked me one question."

"Well. You can learn a lot by walking with someone. We'll have more time to talk later."

"Should I make an appointment, Mr. Jackson?"

Michael laughed lightly. He found himself laughing more often with Tatiana than any other dates before.

"Tomorrow, 5:45 P.M," Michael said hushedly. "After rehearsals. I'll be in the same room. I might have to run the full show a few times, so just wait for me. Bill will let you in." 

Tatiana bit her smile. "What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see." Michael checked his watch, and then turned them both around on the street. "I'm sorry," he said. "But now there's only fifteen minutes."

"Does this count as a date?"

"If you want to call it that."

"Have you ever been on a date? With a girl?"

Michael froze. "Why would you ask me that question?"

"I mean...I don't know. It slipped out. But have you?"

Michael continued. "Do you want the truth, or tabloid-junk?"

Tatiana gave him a patient look.

"I've dated women, and also a few men."

"Really," Tatiana exclaimed, wide-eyed. "So--!"

"I'm not gay."

"I didn't say you were," Tatiana said, a lump in her throat.

They walked on for a moment, and then Michael said, "what else do you want to know?" 

Tatiana thought. "You never said why you chose me for the video."

"It's hard to say. You were the girl I...liked."

"Okay. But...that's what any guy could say."

"Well, exactly," Michael said quietly, shrugging.

"I don't know what you mean," Tatiana said with a dry laugh.

"I know I may seem like an alien to you, but I can be very simple." Michael stopped, for her full attention.

"I am like any other man," Michael muttered. "Really, I am."

Tatiana reached up hesitantly, and Michael flinched. Then, she lowered his glasses in the remote area of the street. Michael let them fall. 

Michael's gaze, naked and questioning, pierced her own. Tatiana adored the doe-like shape of them, crayoned thick with black eyeliner and mascara. His orbs were bright brown in the sunlight, and they were shimmering with fear.

"I know," Tatiana said to him.

Michael saw the sincerity in her hazel eyes. Her voice held an echo that was familiar deep in his soul. He felt his lips tugging. He couldn't fight the warmth bubbling in his chest that made his heart backflip. 

More than his general attraction to Tatiana's lean and gazelle-like body, Michael felt magnetized to Tatiana's essence like a whisper in an old forest.

He couldn't put his finger on what exactly pulled him to her yet, but felt relieved that he had followed the tug of his gut to select her to work with him.

Tatiana turned and saw a serious-faced man in shades and a two-piece suit beckon them closer. She fitted Michael's glasses on his nose and then they shuffled to the secret handler. 

Michael's felicity from his morning stroll drained when he had a hunch on what the promotions meeting would be about, and who's future would be on the line.

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