The start of the journey.

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⚠️contains swearing and maybe offensive contents⚠️

Katsuki's Pov
After walking for some time, I realized this dragon was something else. He was always hungry, which was not the best considering I have like no money. And he was obsessed with shiny things. Which was expected from a dragon. I've never actually seen a dragon. So I didn't really know what to expect.
"Hmm, I'm soooo hungry" Kirishima whined "look I don't have much, but I can try getting us some food" I explained as I walk towards a shop. I grab us some food and some for later.

As we made our way to the next town to find these little witches, we noticed the next town didn't like dragons. "Ew, what's that?" "Run!! It's a monster!" We heard this as we walked passed the citizens of this town. I was furious, how could someone say such a thing to an innocent person?! "Hey! Yo-" I was about to say something about it, until he stopped me. "It will just make matters worse Katsuki, just leave it. Plus I don't mind, I've been called worse." I could tell from his face, Kirishima regretted saying that last sentence.

A group of guys walked up to us, they looked like knights. "Oi, what do you want?" I asked annoyed. "That" one of the guys said pointing to Kirishima. I could see fear in his eye, hell I was a bit scared as well. "I- umm, why exactly?" Kirishima reluctantly replied. "You're not supposed to be here." I was mad at these knights. I grabbed Kirishima and made an attempt to run. I was.... Unsuccessful, the dudes grabbed both of us and tied us up. They especially put more ties around Kirishima, which pissed me off.

Finally after what felt like 30 minutes, we made it to this ugly castle. I looked at Kirishima, he seemed to be in extreme fear. I gave him a reassuring look, that seemed to calm him don't a bit. As we made our way into the castle, the bright walls annoyed me giving me a headache. We were greeted by some fat ass person wearing a crown. Looked like a king to me. He had a fiery mustache and red hair. "Tch, told you. You can't escape me." The fat dude said and laughed right after. Confused I look at Kirishima, he was having a panic attack. I tried to comfort him, but the dumbass guards wouldn't let me get close enough. He wouldn't look up from the ground so trying to comfort him with looks wasn't an option. "Oi, asshole, let me go!" I tried to get away from the guards grip. "Now, now. No need to be hostile." The king looking dude said eyeballing Kirishima. "Do you not see he's not okay?! Let go!" I yelled as I finally escape the guards grip. I ran up to Kirishima, helping him with his panic attack.

I sighed, "What do you want red head?" I asked extremely annoyed. "I want the dragon, he was once mine-" "he doesn't belong to anyone!" I corrected the dumb king. "Would you shut it? I need the dragon, he's been naughty." The king tried grabbing Kirishima, but I stopped him. "Leave. Him. Alone." I said as I glare at the king.

Anger must've took over my body, because I asked Kirishima to bite the chains off with his mouth. And then I began to fight the guards. I slashed one, they seem to be weak considering they immediately fell to the ground. But I got ahead of myself and got a cut on my arm from one of the other ones. I began to get serious and fight these imbeciles. I won,  obviously. But I realized I had a bunch of cuts and small bruises. It made my body ache. I ignored the pain screaming inside me, and I turned to Kirishima to unchain him. Until...

That ugly bastard grabbed Kirishima before I could. Kirishima struggled to get off his grip. Kirishima also had this expression, that was telling me he was scared out of his mind. "Oi, let him go." I hollered. "Ah, now I don't think that'll be an option." My blood was boiling. I was so mad, I cussed out that old man like.... A lot. He was furious, I didn't care at this point. He pushed Kirishima away, making him fall to the ground. I got ready, I got in position. He walked up to me. I stare at him. Finally, he released a power that looked like flames. I dodged and slashed his ankle. His petty self was being so dramatic.

I unchained Kirishima, and we ran out of that, rusted, brilliant building.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 06 ⏰

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