To Change An Opinion

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"Perhaps it was those Friends of Humanity, or whatever they call themselves, looking out for those who are called Mutants, seeing Triton as a target" Karnak concluded which earned another response from you, a simple response as well. "I'm sorry" you said, again diverting eyes to you.

You had an expression of remorse on your face, one of guilt even as you apologised for what Triton went through. "You shouldn't have had to go through that, nobody should, though it doesn't sound too far fetched for those bigots to do such a thing" you spoke solemnly before sneering. "Friends of Humanity, what a joke...Crystal, I'm fine" Your tone of voice changed as you looked back at the Princess, she was still fussing over your injuries as you lamented over what Triton suffered.

"See, my hands are already healing, whatever is in that ointment works wonders" you tried to assure her, giving a comforting smile before Karnak spoke again to advise Triton be left to rest. The Royal Advisor gave you the all-clear seeing your injuries were minimal, the same going for Lockjaw giving his quick recovery. "It is in his best interest we leave Triton for now; I know it hurts, but do your best to get some sleep" he spoke to Triton at the end before standing up to leave.

The room then started to empty to give Triton some time alone, only for the scout to suddenly speak up. His pain could be heard in his voice but he called after you to not leave just yet as he had something to say to you and, given previous opinions on you, it could have safely been assumed that Triton would question your involvement in this. But instead it was the opposite.

"I must express my gratitude to you too" he said as you turned back to look at him, Triton wincing as he moved to sit up in spite of Karnak advising otherwise. "You don't need to thank me for anything" you responded but Triton shook his head, insisting that he must thank you for what you did for him, as well as to apologise. "I have been distrustful of you, accusing you of being like the violent brutes who attacked me, yet you didn't hesitate to rush to my aid, even when I told you to stay back, after everything, why did you?" He asked you as he sat up.

Your expression to this question was of incredulity, followed by your own question of why you wouldn't do anything. "I wasn't just going to leave you to burn like that, I couldn't just do nothing" you told him with a serious expression, your words reaching Triton and making him bow his head with an expression of guilt.

"Perhaps I misjudged you, perhaps I had it all wrong to lump you with those who attacked me" Triton spoke remorsefully, but you responded by saying it was fine. Such a response was a shock to the wounded Inhuman as he looked at you again, seeing your own remorseful expression as you looked down. "I mean, I can't blame you for being doubtful; you've seen the ugly side of humanity, suffered from it, Gorgon and Karnak could probably vouch for me, Crystal could, but for what you've seen? No, I can't blame you for being hesitant".

As you said this, you lifted your head to face Triton again. "I just hope you can give me a chance now" you then said and Triton stared back at you, remaining silent before bowing his head. "I truly have misjudged you, Human, no, you have a name so must call you that" he said before looking up and extending his hand.

"Let me amend my mistake, and thank you again for coming to my aid" Triton spoke in a raspy voice, adding your name at the end and you looked at his hand before slowly stepping forward and taking it. "Get some rest, Triton" you told the Royal scout, shaking his hand before handing him a glass of water for his parched throat. And with that said, you turned back to leave.

The room had emptied asides from Crystal; Joining her, you told her that you felt like heading back to your room, a lot had happened and you felt going back outside now would be too hectic, she agreed with you there and offered to sit with you for a bit. "Plus, I still need to check you for some burns" she added at the end, not even giving the chance to finish the response of saying you were fine as she was already leading you by the wrist to your room.

Even then, Crystal didn't listen as you said you would be alright, instead saying she just wanted to be sure. So she took your hand in hers, unwrapping it and checking to see how the ointment she applied had worked. The healing properties of said ointment had definitely worked their magic quickly as well, though there was still evidence of burns, there was no pain for you as you were only patting Triton down to put out the flames.

"Are you satisfied now? I'm fine, Crystal" you told the Inhuman Princess as she still looked concerned, looking at you again before slowly nodding. "I suppose, sorry, I just worried as you did hold Triton when he was on fire, I figured the difference in physiology between Inhumans and humans could mean you were burnt more than you realise, I'm glad you're alright, and thank you for doing what you did for Triton" she said and you replied with what you did when Triton thanked you.

"I couldn't just do nothing" you said and she nodded before you both just sat there. Crystal was still holding your hand, cupping it in both as she had when inspecting it, slow to start redressing it as before turning back to you.

Again sitting in silence, the two of you were interrupted by a flash of light as Lockjaw suddenly appeared. The large dog looked at both of you, whimpering sadly and bowing his head as he saw your bandaged hand, flinching a little as you pet his head. "Hey, you did good back there, boy, getting Triton back as quick as you did, are you alright?" You asked but Lockjaw just whimpered again.

Smiling sadly, you patted your bed and told Lockjaw to jump up. "You can rest here if you want, you earned it" you told him and the large dog accepted the offer, jumping onto your bed and laying at the bottom. You gave Lockjaw another's pat on the head before looking back at Crystal as she had hermit usual smile, saying she would leave you be for now.

"I'll drop by later though, you both get some rest" she said before leaving as you waved her off, leaving you with Lockjaw as you sat there stroking his head. "You heard her, boy, get some rest" you told him before sitting back yourself, thinking about what had happened in just the morning of the day.

Meanwhile, outside your room, Crystal stood with her back to the door as she heard you speak comfortingly to Lockjaw. She smiled as she heard your words before going to leave, looking down the hallway to see Black Bolt. The King gave Crystal a nod, a soft smile on his face as well before he turned to leave, Crystal's expression broadening as she looked back.

"See? You are a good person" she whispered before leaving you be.

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