"When it's time, I'll send Linda for you guys," I told him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. He kissed the top of my head and sighed.

"Are you sure you'll be fine for the next three hours without me?" he asked.

"It'll be tough but I assure you it's going to be worth it," I explained.

"I can't wait," he said. I said my good-byes and went over to my locker room. Nicole, Linda, Jules, and Deb were all in their laughing about something when I walked in.

"There she is the girl of the night, Cindy said she'd be here in about an hour to help with the outfit. We're just double checking we have everything before we start, give us like ten minutes," Jules said.

"Sounds great," I told them but my mind was preoccupied by other situations going down tonight. I knew if I was going to make a divine move, I was going to need to do it now. All the guys thought I was getting ready and they'd never know. This was the moment I'd been looking for.

"What is it, Briar?" Linda asked pulling me from my thoughts I'd barely moved from the door.

"There's something I just can't drop and I need to do something about it," I said to the room. "This is my only chance, right now to take care of it. I'll be right back give me ten minutes, fifteen at the most and I'll be ready to go," I told him.

"You want me to go with you?" Linda asked.

"Thanks, but no this is something I need to do on my own. Just don't let the guys know I'm gone. This is top secret," I said. Nicole knew it was something I probably shouldn't be doing and gave me that look. She's been on the bus many nights when I acted alone and heard the lectures I've gotten. I just looked at her then stuck my head out the door making sure the coast was clear then left. I moved quickly down the hallway then around another hallway until I came to the door I was looking for and stared up at it. I took a deep breath then knocked. No going back now.

"You're the last person I was expecting to see on the other side of this door," the person standing before me said when the door flew open.

I walked back into my dressing room exactly eighteen minutes later feeling more confused, unsure, and nervous then when I left because I had no idea if what I just done would do a damn thing at all.

"We were giving you five more minutes than we were sending a search party after you," Nicole said.

"Sorry my discussion went longer than I thought it would," I breathed and then I pondered everything that was said while Jules and Deb started to transform me into the vision I first saw, all the way back on Christmas. It took a good forty-five minutes for them to get my hair and makeup exactly how I wanted it. Cindy had walked in as they were doing finishing touches.

"Oh wow, I can't wait to put it all together," she said when she saw me. We were now an hour away from the start of WrestleMania and two and a half hours from my match. We turned on the TV to watch the preshow and Cindy went over to the mannequin that was holding my outfit and she clutched her hand around the sheet.

"Ready?" she asked us. I'd been the only one to see it but just sections of it at a time. This will be the first time I'm see it all together. No one other me and Cindy knew what this outfit was. Everyone squealed yes, they were ready. Cindy locked eyes with me and I nodded and she pulled the sheet off. The girls around me gasped as they took it all in. Once their eyes saw it all they moved forward to get a closer look.

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