Abhinav grits his teeth at this..

Abhinav - Again with the doctor.. Oh god what I am supposed to do with this guy..

Shalini - Oho.. Relax.. Adavy when did you learn to ride a bike..

Advay - When I was 16..

Shalini - And how..??

Advay - I saw someone riding it..

They looks at him in expectation..

Advay - What..??

Abhinav (raising his brows) - And..??

Advay - That's it.. I saw someone riding it..

Abhinav - And you learned it..??

Advay - Yeah.. I implemented the techniques and learned it..

Abhinav - Just like that..??

Advay - Yeah..

Abhinav looks at shalini helplessly..

Abhinav - Shalu.. What have we given birth to..??

Shalini (taking a deep sigh) - I am not sure..

Abhinav - Is there anything else you are hiding from us.. ??

Advay - I am not hiding anything..

Abhinav - because the shocks you have been giving us recently are not good for our poor hearts..

Shalini - Anyways forget that.. You should take ragini out for a bike ride.. She would love it..

Advay - You think she will even be ready to sit next on a bike with me..

Shalini and Abhinav looks at eavj other then at advay and smile forcibly..

Shalini - That we have to just try and see... Right..??

Abhinav (doubtfully) - Right..


Ragini comes out of the baadi and daw a group of girl together and talking about something.. She gets curious and goes towards them..

Ragini - What are you all doing here..??

Girl 1 - God ragini.. You won't believe that what we have seen..

Girl 2 - So handsome.. So elegant.. Just looking like a wow..

Girls 3(fanning herself) - oh my poor heart..

Ragini looks at them confused.

Ragini - Have you seen some Bollywood hero or what.. As if shah Rukh or salman..

Girl 1 - Ahh.. Who cares about them if we have our personal salman here in the baadi..

Ragini - What do you mean..

Girl 2 - Look there..

Ragini looks at the direction and saw a figure coming on  bike..

As the figure comes closer her eyes widen in surprise....

Advay gets down from the bike and removes his helmet shaking his hair....

Ragini - Haila..

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