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Nicks POV

I haven't slept for the past 3 days there's just so much to do. Matt and Chris got sick yesterday so I've been up with them all night then editing as well as keeping up with fans and trying to keep up with them.

"Nickkk" Chris whined from his room I was doing laundry. "Yes Chris what's up?" I asked him "I feel dizzy" he said "Alright wait there I'm going to get you some water" I said.

I was making a glass of water for Chris but then heard Matt call me. "Yeah Matt what's up?" I asked "Can you make me something to eat?" He asked "Yeah sure" I said.

I brought Chris's water up then ran back downstairs to make Matt some food. While that was cooking I did the laundry and some other things around the house. Occasionally editing for like 2 minutes or something.

I brought matts food up to him and he sat up. "Just take It Slow okay?" I Said "Nick don't overwork yourself please..." Matt said,I placed my hand in his hair "DOKT worry about me sweetie okay? I'm alright" I said closing his door.

"Nick?" I heard Chris call weakly,I walked in and he was leaning over the toilet throwing up. I kneeled down next to him and rubbed his back. "It's okay your alright" I said as he leaned against me,Chris just looked like he was going to pass out there and then.

"Are you done?" I asked he nodded so I carried him back to bed. "Nick...do we have to film today?" Chris asked "No we don't sweetheart" I said. He turned over and just fell asleep.

I took all of his dirty clothes and dishes down I would clean them once matts okay. I walked into matts room and he was just laying there staring at the ceiling.

"You alright?" I asked sitting next to him "No" he said sternly. "Why what's up?" I asked as concern filled my face,he just looked at me "your not taking care of yourself and I'm not happy with it. This is the only time today you've sat down" he said.

"Matt calm down I'm fine okay? I'm taking care of myself and you guys alright? There's nothing to worry about now you get some rest and I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow okay?" I said leaving his room.

I did the rest of the laundry then I cleaned the dishes. Matt and Chris were sleeping so I could try and edit right now? I brought my laptop downstairs but I got distracted by doing other things.

I was taking everything out of the refrigerator and just placing it all back in. Nate came round and just stared at me. "Please don't ask" I said "I'm not gonna you look tired though are you okay?" He asked I nodded.

"Where's Matt and Chris? Are they out?" He asked sitting down "No their sick so their sleeping at the moment" I told him. I started doing random things like repositioning things that didn't need to be.

"Nick. Everything looks fine. You need to sleep" Nate said "No I don't I'm fine" I said with a small laugh. "Well do you need help with anything?" Nate asked I knew he was here to see Matt and Chris but their sleeping.

"No not really man but thanks for offering" I said he just sat there on his phone before Matt came down. "Hey sweetie are you okay?" I asked as he hugged me "I feel better..." he said. "Are you sure?" I asked feeling his forehead.

"Yeah thanks Nick...Nate!" He said going over to hug Nate. I walked up to Chris's room and he was sitting up watching tv while cuddling his teddy bear that Matt gave him. "Chris? Are you alright?" I asked he nodded "I feel better thank you Nick. Is it okay if I stay up here?" Chris asked.

"Yeah sure you want me to send Nate up?" I asked he jumped out of bed "NATES HERE?!" As he ran downstairs. I turned Chris's TV off and made his bed putting the stuffed bear on the pillow.

I opened the windows to let some fresh air in the went into matts room to do the same thing. The moment I got into my room I fell on the floor,I don't know how so I brushed it off and started editing.

"Kid? We gotta go film dont we?" Matt asked checking the time,I also checked the time "shit! Yeah we do" I said. Matt and Chris happily got into the car and I started to feel really nauseous.

"Nick are you alright?" Chris asked "Yeah yeah I'm fine um what's todays topic?" I asked them,they looked at each other. "Nick you look really tired we don't have to film today? You were meant to come up with the topic because we were sick remember?" Matt said.

"Oh oh...oh yeah. Um hold up" I said going on instagram. I realised I hadn't even posted anything for todays video not even to give us ideas.

Matts POV

Nick had a look of guilt on his face. "Nick? It's okay we don't need to film today? We could just go get food and chat in the car?" I asked Chris agreeing with me.

"No no it's not that. It's that I didn't put anything up on insta because I forgot. I had so much free time to do that" he said as he started getting frustrated with himself. "Nick. You haven't even had time to sleep so fuck filming and fuck Wednesdays video. We're gonna get something to eat because you look like you need it then we are going back home so you can rest" I said.

"Yeah Nick you've been very overworked these past days. Editing,helping Madi,looking after us and you haven't sat down for more than 10 minutes expect from now" Chris said as we noticed Nick turn pale.

"Nick...we're not made i promise okay? We're just worried working yourself to exhaustion isnt healthy okay?" I said as we started driving to whatever directions Chris got up.

"Nick you want the usual?" I asked he nodded as his head was on the window. I ordered then we got our food. Nick just looked so tired. We drive back home and brought Nick up to his room where we all just kind of chilled for the night.

"Nick you didn't eat much is everything okay?" Chris asked holding his hand "Yeah I just need to sleep first that's all..." Nick said as he laid in between me and Chris.

"Alright you get some sleep sweetheart okay?" I said running my hands through his hair.

He soon fell asleep as well as me and chris.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now