Gemini and Fourth too had donned the royal robe with a different crown on their head, signifying the royalty that they are. Joong did not lose out as he wore the royal robe of the Kingdom of Aydin with a crown of his own. Though not the crown of a king but that of the royal lineage of the Kingdom of Aydin. The three of them sat and observed, while Pond and Phuwin stood before Dunk as he officiate the wedding ceremony. Dunk welcome everyone and did the ritual phrasing before holding two matching rings in his open palm. He told of its significance before instructing Pond and Phuwin to say their vows.

"Life is a never-ending circle. Is it not fitting that a circle shall serve as a symbol of a life lived in never-ending love. As you place this ring upon the finger of your chosen love speak the words that shall bind you to each other mind, body, and soul in the Unity of the Life bond."

He looked towards Pond as he instructed him to repeat after him. Pond took a deep breath before saying the following words,

"By root and seed, by bud and stem. By leaf, flower and fruit, by life and love, In the name of the Eru, the Father of all, I, Pond Naravit, take thee, Phuwin Tangsakyuen, to my hand, heart, and  spirit, at the setting of the sun, and the rising of the stars. Nor shall death part us, for in the fullness of time, we shall be born again, at the same time, and in the same place as each other, and we shall meet and know and remember and love again."

Phuwin felt the tears rimming in his eyes as Pond slid the ring on his finger. Phuwin repeated the same words,

"By root and seed, by bud and stem. By leaf, flower and fruit, by life and love, In the name of the Eru, the Father of all, I, Phuwin Tangsakyuen, take thee, Pond Naravit, to my hand, heart, and my spirit, at the setting of the sun, and the rising of the stars. Nor shall death part us, for in the fullness of time, we shall be born again, at the same time, and in the same place as each other, and we shall meet and know and remember and love again."

Pond's hand was shaking as Phuwin slid the ring onto his finger. Dunk had held both their hand. His eyes glowed as he chanted the Woodelven Sindarin.

"May Eru, the Father of all bless the both of you." He smiled as he ended. 

Gemini, Fourth and Joong had clapped and cheered for the both of them. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Gemini  kept chanting till the both of them were laughing. The three of them had walked towards them to encourage them. Pond had pecked Phuwin on the lips to which Dunk clapped excitedly. He was surprised when Joong grabbed his hand, caressing his ring finger. Dunk looked at him in question. He was surprised when Pond and Phuwin took his place as they pushed him towards Joong. 

"I know we have mated and you wear my mark but I still feel that something is missing. Will you take me as your mate? Be by my side always?" He knelt down with a ring in his hand. Dunk nodded with a soft smile on his face.  Joong was elated as he stood up and slid the ring on Dunk's finger. He smiled when Dunk took his hand and caressed his ring finger. 

"May the Gods above witness my love for you and bless our journey together. I, Dunk Natachai bind myself to you, Joong Archen Aydin for all eternity." Just as he spoken those words, a band appeared on Joong's ring finger, sealing Dunk's promise to be by Joong's side. Dunk was surprised when Joong caressed the ring on Dunk's finger.

"And I, Joong Archen Aydin, bind myself to you, Dunk Natachai, for all eternity." He sealed his promise with a kiss to the ring on Dunk's finger before kissing him on the lips. Pond, Phuwin, Gemini and Fourth cheered for them, which had Dunk blushing. The six of them laughed as they walk towards the feast where everyone was. 

The elves of the Woodland Realm cheered when they saw their King and King consort. But there was dead silence the moment Dunk appeared along with Joong behind Pond, Phuwin, Gemini and Fourth. Apart from the healers at the infirmary and the royal family, this was the first time the elves from the Woodland Realm had seen Dunk's face. They were enthralled by his beauty as Dunk was part fae after all. Joong felt the jealousy brewing within him as the crowd stared at his mate. Pond and Phuwin had chuckled as they saw the corner of Joong's lips twitch. The fenrir in him was itching to come out. Phuwin called the attention of everyone and formally introduced Joong as Dunk's mate. They had cheered at that news. Joong could finally breathe now that everyone knows that Dunk is his. He took Dunk's hand and ushered Dunk to take the empty seat beside Fourth.  

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