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Jason stands up smiling. "It was fun but I have to go to see Caroline." He said.


Later, Caroline is cleaning the room while Jason is lying on her bed, he has almost fallen asleep. Then Aaron knocks on the door

"It's open!" She yells and Jason wakes up looking around like an idiot. Caroline realizes. "Sorry"

Aaron comes in. "Hey! You clean the fireplace?"

"Yeah, you know...all those carcinogens. I am stress-cleaning. I am stressed. So I am cleaning. Boy drama. Not that you care...." Caroline told him.

"I am here for Natalie but, eh... clearly she's not here. So, eh, I will come back later." Aaron said making Jason interested.

"Well I can give her a message." He said.

"Uhh.. yeah, can you just tell her that Wes isn't going to be a problem anymore? I mean, my family's trust just came through and I was able to cut off Augustine's funding" Aaron said making two vampires happy.

"So no more vampire experiments"

"Yeah. It's over. And uh.. just tell her I am sorry... I am really sorry." Aaron said.

"I will."


After this, Aaron leaves the dorm room and goes back to his own. Caroline and Jason glanced each others smiling. They started jumping and hugged each others.

"No more vampire experiments!" They yelled at the same time.

"I am so happy" Caroline said and without thinking she kisses Jason. To Caroline's surprise, he kissed back. They broke a kiss looking at each others confused. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have done it. You are dating Natalie." She said freaking out.

"No, no its okay, Caroline" Jason said smiling. "I don't mind" He said and she looks at him confused. "I will go and find Nat. I will see you tonight, right?" He asked smiling.

Caroline smiles and nods. "Yeah"

"Great" He said before leaving.

Caroline giggles quietly. "Oh my god" she said.


Tyler and Matt are having a party. Tyler is back in Mystic Falls. Jason is happy and excited to see his best friend. Inside the Lockwood house, Caroline and Sabrina restocking refreshments on a table.

"I have to tell you two new things. I don't know which one of them is a bad or a good thing" Caroline told her best friend.

Sabrina smirked. "What did you do? Please, tell me you kissed my brother or someone pretty." She asked with smirk.

Caroline didn't answer.

Sabrina's eyes widen "You kissed my brother or someone pretty?" She asked surprised.

Caroline stays silent before answering scared "Both" She said.

"Caroline Forbes!"

"Sabrina Salvatore!"

"You kissed my brother!" Sabrina said happily. "Who did you kiss as well?" She asked.

"Well, it was not just a kiss" Caroline replied, trying to avoid Sabrina's eyes.

"Who. Was. It?"

"Klaus." Caroline muttered.

"What?!" Sabrina yelled.

Caroline sees Katherine, who everyone thinks is Elena, enters. "There you are! I have been calling and texting." She said running to her. Sabrina just rolled her eyes to see doppelgänger.

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