"You came all the way here to ask me how to turn on a laptop?"

Draco looked at her.

Yes, Granger. Now please, sit or put on a floor length cloak.

"The shops are closed, we have no other choice than to ask the Hermione Granger herself on how to turn on a laptop."

She shook her head as she chuckled and sat down next to him. Thank you.

She put a throw pillow on her lap before placing the laptop on it. Thank you.

She pressed a button far right and suddenly, the screen turned white before letting out a faint noise.

"Done. Anything else, Malfoy?" She looked at him with an amuse smile.

He raised a brow, leaning against the couch with his arms spread on the head. "My, Granger, kicking me out of your home already?"

She turned her head to him, confusion plastered all over her face—something along the lines of unprepared, caught, natural. The front pieces of her hair were framing her face, the oversized jumper made her look tiny—almost swallowing her figure. Yet, Draco thought Granger was.. pretty.

"Well?" came her voice.


Granger sighed, rolling her eyes. (She does it a lot.) "What else did you need from me?"

"Blaise told me he needed to put clients into his contacts. May you show me that as well?"

Granger clicked, pressed, before turning to him. "Do you have a list of these contacts?"

Draco gave her a paper, the numbers of Blaise's clientales. She grabbed it and did a short skim, her brows raised to her hairline.

"These names.. They're a huge deal in the Muggle world, h-how did Blaise manage to get their numbers?"

Draco simply shrugged. "Blaise is
good—charming, might I add."

Hermione smirked, and was giving him the side-eye as she typed the numbers into the contacts. "Are you trying to tell me that you Slytherins has a way with words?"


Draco returned the smirk, resting a leg on top of his knee. "Well, you haven't kicked me out of your humble abode."

She stilled.


Crossing a line.

Draco couldn't keep his eyes from her, she stopped pressing the buttons and was just staring into the laptop screen without saying anything.

Oh, so much for 'it's a fresh start', Draco.

Then, she let out a chuckle.

She turned to him and narrowed her eyes as she inched her face closer to him. "Well I'm sorry, I don't have a bed chamber where I sleep in satin sheets, with my pillows always fluffed by my lovely house-elves."

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