"Anton has bad taste in women in high school, good thing he's a lot better now." Wonbin said, making me laugh a bit because he was right. Anton tends to like literal bad girls who are mean and confident and drop dead gorgeous, and the one he loved the most even cheated on him.

That's why I'm trying not to assume anything at all, because I'm far from the girl Anton wanted. He's my dream guy, while I'm the opposite of his type in girls.

And I don't really know how long I can pretend with being confident in front of him, when in reality I'm shy as fuck.

"Oh no. I know that look you have there. You're overthinking again," Wonbin pointed out, making me look away from him. I hate his observant ass so much.

"Bitch no! If Anton won't like you back, come to me instead." Rina said, even opening her arms up to me.

"Imagine if Anton heard that, would he get jealous?" Jiwoo asked with a hint of mischief in her tone.

"I never saw him get jealous though, even with Iseul. Rina and Yumi, go and kiss each other in front of Anton so we can see if he's jealous in angry or jealous but in silence typa guy." Dohee ordered me and Rina, and I yelped when Rina actually got up and started walking towards me.

"I bet 100 dollars that he's the jealous but in cute golden retriever typa guy. Anton doesn't get angry, he'll just pout in the corner." Wonbin butted in.

"Oh my god. We just reached college and yall act like we're dogs in heat. Chill out you guys," Sohee told them off for me, making me smile at him gratefully.

"But seriously though, I kinda wanna see him jealous too so I'm in Dohee's side this time." Sohee continued, so I glared at him.

Our topic only changed because Seunghan knocked on our door, saying that the food's already prepared downstairs.

I'm finally safe from all their questions and teasing.

We all were greeted by the sight of Shotaro and Eunseok making fun of Anton who looks like he doesn't really care with what's going on.

But his blank face turned into a smiling one after he caught sight of us.

"Yuyu! We bought your fave snack," he excitedly called for me while the others just started coughing in a teasing manner. I wanted to hit them because they're all acting as if we're in high school with the way they're teasing me.

"Strawberry flavored pocky!" Anton showed me four small boxes of pocky, making me smile. I missed eating these since this is what I usually buy back when I was in high school during snack time.

"Thanks," I told him before opening it and started eating.

"I know, I'm so thoughtful." he joked, making me scoff.

"Yeah, whatever you say." I dismissively told him while he just chuckled.

After shoving our mouths with food, we all decided to play a game befor we all go home.

And it was the guessing game, where the other group will show the word to the other group's player who'll act the word out while his members will guess what it is.

meet me at midnightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ