Chapter 2: The Vampire Festival

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It had been almost four hours on the road driving to Louisiana but eventually they made it to their destination of Petit Chauve Sourie Ville. It looked like any other small town in America with a few buildings beside each other and other things. Velma drove the van into the town while talking with Fred. Fred turned his head and freaked out when he saw what looked like a teenage boy walk into the road. Velma immediately slammed on the brakes to avoid running him over. The boy fell and at first the gang thought they had hurt him but he got back up. Shaggy and Scooby Doo freaked out a bit upon seeing he was dressed like a vampire.

"Watch it I'm walking here" the boy said before walking off to wherever he was going.

"He should know better than to walk into a road when there is a vehicle coming" Madelaine said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Maybe he didn't see us until now" Daphne said.

"Did his parents not teach him to look both ways before crossing the road?" Madelaine said with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on, let's go look around" Fred suggested before opening the passenger door and stepping out of the van.

The others all got out as well. Madelaine had to shield her eyes from the bright sunlight when she got out. Due to where their village was located they didn't see sunlight very often because it always snowed.

"You alright Madelaine?" Velma asked, looking at the brunette.

"Oh yes" Madelaine said as she turned to look at her. "Unfortunately where me and Dianna are from you do not see sunlight very often" Madelaine explained.

"How come?" Velma asked.

"It snows constantly, making the sky a dark grayish color," Madelaine explained.

"I see," Velma said.

The group walked around for a bit before one of them spotted something up ahead. Once they got closer they could see it was a festival, however it wasn't an ordinary festival but instead it was a vampire festival. Once Madelaine saw the word vampire she immediately scoffed feeling very offended.

"Is that what humans refer to me and my family as vampires?" Madelaine said as she did her best to contain her rage.

"Well you do drink blood" Annalise said looking at her.

"Because of a blood disease," Madelaine said looking at the doll. "We also eat human flesh as well," Madelaine stated.

"Well you won't be able to do that while we are here unless you want to risk getting caught" Annalise said.

"I know that, which is why I came prepared," Madelaine said.

Madelaine had packed some vials of blood into her luggage so that way she wouldn't become ill. There was enough to last a couple of days since she was hopeful it wouldn't take them very long to get their intended target. Madelaine was confident though it would only be a few days as they had to make sure everything was set.

They walked with the others to the vampire festival before spotting two men standing outside the gate. One was rather large and wore a white suit. The other had a sign around him and held a clipboard in hand. The man in white was holding a megaphone and warning people who passed by not to go inside. Scooby and Shaggy signed the paper that was on the clipboard before Fred came by holding some corndogs.

"Stay away or your souls will be condemned" the man in white said as he looked at the two romanian girls.

"Save your nonsense for someone who actually wants it" Madelaine said in a cold tone as her piercing green eyes glared down at the man.

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