The Reblion

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(Y/n pov)
I slowly open my eyes and begin to look around I notice that the others slaves that were out in the courtyard with me have barricade us in the prison house. As I try to stand up one of the male slaves come over to help me stand as he puts my arm over his shoulder.

Male#1: you need to rest
Y/n: *I chuckled* if only I had the time
After a bit I was able to Stand on my own. I look around and notice that there a total of 30 slaves here including me 20 guys and 10 girls of various ages from what looks like 16 to 30 or higher. I countie to examine the room we were currently and see they were able to make a decent barricade with the limited resources. I look back over to the male who helped me up.

Y/n: so you got a name kid ( he looks around the age 16 )
Charlie: my n-names Charlie sir
Y/n: sir?
Charlie: sorry just trying to show one respect.
Y/n: your good names y/n
Y/n: so what happens while I was out.
Charlie: well after you took out the first wave of guards most of us celebrated while we started to drag you into the prison befor they could send more reinforcements.
I nod as I take in the new information.
Y/n: so are there slaves in this area.
Charlie: sadly the Chaos empire was able to capture many of us were not even the biggest group.
Charlie: but most are held in the uppers prison section.
Y/n: I noticed that you only use picks could you not find the armory.
Charlie: after the prison riot we kinda panicked and barricade us in this little storage room to hide.
Y/n: well we better get you lot suited so we have a fighting chance.
I look around till I noticed my stuff and grab the rest of it.
Y/n: ( I turn towards Charlie and toss him the bow) hope your a decent shot.
He catches and looks at the bow in amazement. I walk over to the exit of the barricade and signal the rest to follow i map surroundings to figure out where we are I noticed a room up ahead with light coming out of it. I turn towards the back
And signal to be quiet as we approached the armory. I signal them all to stop as I peek into the room to still be deserted.
I signal them to enter the room and gear as they all enter beside Charlie who stays out to guard the entrance with me. After a bit everyone was armored up we had a total of 12 archers including Charlie and 18 front line fighters.
Y/n: so Charlie are there any slaves group relatively close to us.
Charlie: there is but it's dangerous
Y/n: that's why we grabbed gear now wear is it?
Charlie: *sigh* well the closest area would be Dead Man's mine it's on the east side of the castle.
Y/n: well guess that's our first destination.
Girl#4: y-your joking right.
Man#6: yeah you know who runs that area the Marrowkai
Y/n: I don't fear alive wizards why would I fear a dead one
Girl#4: yea and with him a near endless hoard of undead.
Y/n: so what you suggest we leave them to die.
Y/n: would have us retreat and leave them to die to the undead.
Y/n: no then shut up and get ready we need to get there before nightfall.
I turn toward Charlie and ask him to lead the way to this "Dead Man's mine"
( time skip)
As we made our way to Dead Mans mine we encountered a couple guards hear and there but they were swiftly taken out we were able to pick up 10 extra slaves at least the ones who were still alive *sigh* Rest there souls. As we begin to approach Charlie holds out his hand and signals me forward. I look out the entrance to see the slave minding gold around a statue.

 I look out the entrance to see the slave minding gold around a statue

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I Bow to No One(Male reader x Stick war)Where stories live. Discover now