Melia💕:Yes cause mi know how uh busy body.

Me:Ohhz tell uh seh a sumn uh did waa.

           Melia💕:Lol uh a come? Please sky🥺

Me:Alright yes suh rere dem a come to?
            Melia💕:Yea mi did tell dem bout it but mi nuh tell Jamal dem tho.

  Me:Oh ok

2 minutes later

After texting with Amelia I went to take a shower brush my teeth and do my skincare routine.

I the went downstairs to eat my breakfast. While I was eating Jamal called on facetime.

Good morning beautiful,he said
Good morning, I said with a smile
Uh couldn't call and offer mi some a uh breakfast, he said
Uh can come fi it eno, I said and he smiled.

Jamal and I talked for a while and I was now washing the dishes while still talking to him.

Babes mi ready now a female voice said, I looked at Jamal through the phone, A who dat Jamal, I asked

Sky mi soon called uh back he said and hang up.

A hate the likkle Pinocchio uh see nuhn more that a one a him gyal dem

5 minutes later

After Jamal end the called I went to my room and I was now scrolling on ig.

Jamal called back a few times but I didn't answer.

Him too likkle bit ah outta order bout him hang up phone Inna mi face.
Fava Shrek

It was now time for me to get ready for the party I put out my outfit shower and brush my teeth.

While I was getting ready shanice shower up.
Girl uh nuh ready yet, she asked
Yea a mi shoes mi a put on now, I said

I finish put on my shoes take up my things and we went in the car where Amelia and Rihanna was. Mek we tek some pics nuh, I said. Yea fi true cause mi feel niceee, Shanice said. We take the pictures and then left.

                  Skyler outfit

                  Shanice outfit

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                  Shanice outfit

                  Shanice outfit

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