Seven Days Left

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(Y/n) stared up at the ceiling of his room as his arm lay limply on his forehead as he thought about the day he had with Itadori yesterday.

A sigh left his lips just to be cut off by the sound of the bedroom door being knocked on.

The (H/c)-haired male sat up and turned to look over at the door, noticing Geto's figure standing in the open doorway.

"Is something on your mind?" Geto asks, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend's younger brother.

(Y/n) propped his elbow on his knee and placed his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Geto, how did you find out how you fell in love with my brother in high school?" (Y/n) asks.

Geto stared at the younger male for a few moments before chuckling softly as he entered the bedroom and sat at the end of it, facing the heterochromia-eyed boy.

"How did I find out? Well... It was thanks to our other friend Shoko, honestly. She pointed out that we would always have each other on our minds and wouldn't stop talking," Geto begins.

(Y/n) listened closely to what Geto had to say about how he had found out that he had romantic feelings for his older brother.

"She would even point out how we always fought like an old married couple whenever we were with one another, with or without her watching it happen," the raven-haired man continued.

(Y/n) nodded along before a question popped into his mind. "What sort of... "symptoms" were you going through when Shoko-san confirmed it for you?" He questioned.

Geto didn't seem bothered by the question as a smile appeared on his lips. "What were the "symptoms" I was going through? Well, my heart would always speed up whenever I was around your brother. I would always have him on my mind, and small things would make me remember him. Shoko even pointed out my face would turn flustered whenever Satoru and I were together," he explains.

(Y/n) stared down at his lap for a few moments before nodding his head in understanding.

"Why? Did someone catch your attention?" Geto curiously asks since he remembers that (Y/n) didn't seem interested in dating anyone until recently.

"I... Uhm– yeah," (Y/n) answered with a nervous smile on his lips.

Geto shook his head in amusement as he warmly smiled at the (H/c)-haired boy.

"And who's this special person that grabbed your attention?" Geto questions.

(Y/n) dropped his propped arm onto his lap and rubbed his hands together to show that he was a bit nervous to answer at first.

"Someone from Satoru's company," he answered truthfully.

Geto's eyes widened a bit in surprise before softening. "How do you feel about this person?"

(Y/n)'s attention seemed to be elsewhere even though his eyes stayed on Geto the whole time.

"I feel like I could live with him my whole life," (Y/n) answered.

"Even though you barely even knew him for a month?" Geto asks.

(Y/n) nodded his head. "Yeah," he replied.

What the duo didn't know was that Gojo was out of the way listening to the duo's conversation with a smile on his lips.

'Who knew that there would be someone that'd capture his attention. Maybe I should thank Yuji-kun for giving (Y/n) a reason to stay here in Tokyo.' Gojo thought as he leaned his head quietly against the wall behind him.

The white-haired male closed his vivid blue eyes as he listened to his younger brother and boyfriend continue to speak with one another for a few more moments before pushing himself off of the wall and heading down the hallway and toward the kitchen that was attached to the living room.

"I'll ask that question later. Right now, I gotta support and help (Y/n) and Yuji-kun get together," Gojo murmured.

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