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It was a sunny, lukewarm day at the Jade Palace. It was rather empty there as five masters were currently away on other errands. That left two masters which were currently heard at some spot in the palace yards.


There seems to be nothing or no one in the Hall of Heroes.


No one at the master's garden, OR the barracks.


No one at the peach tree either. But of course, it sounds like fighting. And who would be so crazy to fight at that cliff with a steep side of god knows how deep down.

That leaves only one place. The courtyard/training hall.
And yes, there they are!

A monochrome bear stood and held his ground against a fearsome black-striped feline. They were none other than Masters Po (Also known as the Dragon Warrior) and Tigress (unofficially known as the Leader of the Furious Five)

"Haha! Is that all you got, Tigress?" Po yelled and maintained a defensive pose with his staff of wisdom by his side. "Yeah I know, she's struggling." Po whispered to the staff, all the while he kept his eyes on Tigress.

Tigress held a defensive pose. Her face got quite confused. "Are.. You talking to your stick..?" She asked, quite not believing what she was witnessing.

"Uhh, no..? Of course not, why would I talk to my stic- whoops sorry my friend I did not mean to call you tha- I mean, AHH!"

The tiger smirked. While Po seemed to be.. not focused.. She figured she would take her chance. She lunged at him.

Po was caught off guard but he quickly blocked her attack by putting his staff inbetween.

"You really thought, huh?" Po said and smiled.

Tigress was launched backwards. "I admit, I did not quite see that coming." She said.

Po got into a defensive pose and awaited her next move, but he underestimated this one, the tiger simply went low and caught him off guard by sweeping the ground under him, causing him to fall. While Tigress took her chance and pounced, Po quickly rolled away and got up.

Po threw a fist at her which she simply caught with her paw. She looked at him with a straight face, as if it said *really, is that all you got?*

Tigress, having caught Po's paw simply guided him onto the ground by rotating him several times and down onto the hard surface. She locked him down by placing a paw onto him.

"Fine, you got me." Po said.
Tigress smirked and looked down at him. "Even with your stick you can't take me down."

"Gah, Tigress it's THE staff of wisdom. It's not a stick." Po replied in a irritated tone.

Tigress ceased her hold of him and offered him a paw, which he gladly took. Po allowed her to lift him up onto his feet.

They stood there for a solid 15 seconds of awkward silence until Po spoke: "Shall I make ourselves some food?"

Tigress gazed at him. "Yeah."

Po nodded and started heading for the door out of the courtyard, with Tigress following beside.

Afternoon passed and the others have still not showed up, but of course, they said it could take a while, perhaps even into the next day.

As Po had nothing to do, he figured he could walk up to the Dragon Grotto to meditate, as that is still a tiny bit amusing to do instead of sitting at the kitchen table having the most boring day of his life.

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