Passport Inspection

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"Ah, hello Gordon!" Coomer said after Gordon fully loaded in. He noticed he was somewhere different. He looked at Alyx, who refused to make eye contact with him. He recognized the area as the area after they caught Benrey hanging out with the hostile guards. He heard Benrey in the room over, "So...What do we all think about Benrey, and...him being buddy-buddy with the guards...?" he asked, still a bit confused. The silence filled the air with a thick fog, then he looked at Alyx, "Alyx...?" he called out, and she hesitantly spoke, "I don't trust him..." she said, "I think he's fine! Let's keep moving, I wanna go hooommmeee!" Bubby said, leaving, "Yeah..." Alyx stated, following quietly. She was quiet after that, "...You wanna talk about what happened earlier, Alyx?" he said, keeping his question vague, "I do not..." she said, "What took you so long? Game crash?" Benrey said, but Alyx only continued forward, quietly. Benrey tried to pester her, "You lose your- your little gnome buddy? Huh?" she ignored him, "Feeling a little sad? Couldn't fix the coding on ti-" she soon decked him in the face, knocking him down, then continued forward, "You got decked my good bitch!" Coomer said, helping Benrey up, who held onto his nose in pain. He soon left Alyx alone, beginning to whisper to Bubby, using Alyx's violence against her, "How far till the Lambda lab, Coomer?" Coomer thought for a minute, "I believe from here, we are only 10 years from the Lambda lab!" he said, and Gordon sighed, "You're bullshitting me again," he said, "At this rate, we'll be at the Lambda lab in 10 minutes!" Alyx snickered quietly, "Gordon, I'm thir- Look Gordon! A soda machine!" Coomer then busted the machine open, and the science team went ham. Alyx managed to grab a few sodas for later, mostly root beer, "You get any pib?" Gordon asked her, and she passed him a pib, "Thanks," he said, drinking it, "...How much do you know about me Alyx?" he asked, quietly, "...You have a channel on YouTube I used to watch..." she said, "As well as Twitch..." she said, "...And the fridge," Gordon started laughing, "What's in the fridge, Gordon," she said, smiling, "Let's goooo!" Bubby whined, rushing forward with Benrey. Coomer followed, "Mr. Freeman, what are you guys talking about?" Tommy inquired, "Oh, just about how much farther we have," Alyx said, "Let's go Tommy." Soon, Alyx and Tommy were gone. Gordon felt nothing but dread, as he knew what was coming up...after Forzen it was the betrayal...he didn't want to think much about it. He continued forward, finding an elevator, before finding Forzen, "Who are you?!" Alyx called out, and he ran. Alyx followed after him, but Gordon fell behind. He soon saw the skeleton again, "You again...?" he called out, "You're tired," the woman's voice said. He noticed how robotic the voice was, as if it wasn't hers, "You're not really talking, are you...?" it shook its head, "Who are you? How'd you know about Alison?" he asked, "I cannot tell you," it said, "Are you with Benrey?" he asked again, "I am neither with Benrey, nor you. I am only here to help you progress. If that means fighting you, I will," then it disappeared, "Wait!" he called out, but it was gone. Gordon sighed, then was suddenly teleported to the others, "Gah!" he shouted out of shock, "I burned a playcoin to bring you here, Gordon!" Coomer called out, "Where were you, Freeman?! It's been hours!" Alyx shouted, "Hours...?" he asked confused, "Yes! Hours! You could helped us with that Forzen guy!" she said. He noticed Sunkist was there, "Oh. Sorry, guys," he said. He knew what was coming, and he was scared. Alyx noticed, "What's wrong?" she asked. He noticed Bubby and Benrey whispering, "Both of them...? Yeah, both of them, she attacked me, she's with him," he realized she was going down with him, "Just...Just stay close to me," he didn't want to tell her, in hopes they'll lose interest, but, even as they continued forward, they whispered, and the more they whispered the more dread Gordon felt. He tried to remember how they got back to Black Masa. He woke up in City 17 with a concussion...then he met Alyx...they found his friends...then...then...the helicopter heap canyon. He remembered seeing...himself. His arm was missing like last time, but there was another that was with...himself? There was...Alyx. She was missing her arm and leg, they'd done her over worse. He remembered how sickly pale the Alyx was. It was like she was in a black-and-white show with how pale she was. He remembered the skeleton, who walked with an arm and a leg missing...he wanted to stop the attack, but... "Hey, look, it's uh- uh- a health pack," Benrey said, gesturing to the side room Gordon knew all too well, "I mean...I need health, but..." Alyx started to reason, "No, we're not going in there," Gordon interrupted, pulling her back. Alyx took quick note of Gordon's panic and pulled away from the situation, "Well, I, uh, kinda have to, right? You did it last time," Bubby was oddly quiet, "Last time?" Tommy asked, "How long have you...whatever, I'm not doing this again," he hadn't noticed Bubby had petitioned himself behind him until Bubby pushed Gordon into the room, and then Benrey shoved Alyx along with him, "Get them!" they heard Benrey shout, then the lights went out. He felt a punch to his face before someone started kicking him. As he heard the slicing sound of his arm coming off, he heard Alyx shout as the other scientist pleaded, "Get off me!" she fought before another slice was heard, and she screamed out, "Stop them! Someone stop them!" Tommy shouted, but then another slice, and she screamed out again, "FUCK!" she shouted, "Stop! Gordon!" she called out as if she didn't know Gordon was attacked. He was kicked a few times before a foot landed on his face, and then Alyx went silent, the last words he heard were Tommy's pleading and Bubby's panic at the sight. Coomer was quiet, not knowing entirely what he said last time. As they were carried away, Alyx clung to consciousness, hearing how the guards were going to kill them, before losing consciousness herself.

He awoke in the trash compactor, quickly looking at his arm, "FUCK!" he shouted, pain seeping in again, before he looked to Alyx, "Oh shit," he sputtered, rushing over, "Alyx, Alyx! Wake up!" He shouted as he shook her, until she finally opened her eyes, "Oh thank god, you're alive!" he said, "G-Gordon...? Your...arm..." she said, slowly, then noticed her own wounds, unable to stifle a scream, "Holy SHIT!" she screamed out, "Hey, hey! Calm down, be careful. Move slowly," he said, "We need to get going before one of us dies from blood loss, you need a han-" he then sighed, "You need up?" Alyx nodded, reaching up, and he pulled her up, hoisting her around his shoulder, letting her brace against her, "Alright, this is probably the hardest part. I'm gonna try and pull us both up the ladder. Hold on," he said, then moved her around so she could hold on from his back. Slowly he went up the ladder with Alyx, and once to the top, he moved her back to his side, "Ok, in a bit we're gonna find Tommy, he's the only one with a gun," he said, "Y-Yeah..." she said, feeling nauseous, "I think I'm gonna vomit," she said, "Need a break?" he asked, and she nodded. He let her lean against the wall, "I'm gonna go up ahead and come back with Tommy, ok?" and she nodded again. As he walked forward, he found the room Tommy was in before, green goop everywhere, "Tommy!" he called out to the tall man, "M-Mr. Freeman! You're ok! Where's Alyx?" Tommy asked, "She back over here, she needed to rest. She's worse off than me. You have a gun, right?" and he nodded, "Yeah! They- They said there was a bay blade- uh- in here, and they tried to take my gun, but I told them no.  I-I felt like I was gonna need it," he said, starting to regain his memories, "Ok, I'm going to go grab Alyx real quick," he said, and Tommy nodded. Gordon soon found Alyx, hurtled over a trashcan, "You ok?!" he called to her, "Y-Yeah...just...lost my entire month's worth of meals...which was mostly root beer..." she said. He walked over and gently grabbed her, "Tommy's up ahead, we gotta get moving. You ok?" he asked, "Y-Yeah...let's go," she said, and they met up with Tommy, "Alyx! Are- Are you- um- Are you ok?!" he said, panicked, "I'm missing my fuckin' limbs, do I look ok?" she said, rudely, "Sorry, Tommy, I'm not trying to be mean. My brain's not functioning that great," she said, "It's ok," he said, still pretty concerned, "Let's try to find a health pack, quickly," he said, moving forward. Also, they went, he stopped by every health pack, making sure that Alyx got them first before he attempted to heal himself, "Y-You...You'll bleed out, Gordon," Alyx said once she noticed what he was doing, "Alyx, you're bleeding out more than I am. I've survived this before, you won't survive this, now use the damn heath pack," he said, shoving Alyx's good hand on, almost making her fall over, "Damn it," he said, "Only little..." he then grabbed Alyx again, "Let's get going," he said, moving onward. Soon, he found the oh-so-familiar underpass, "Oh god..." he said, "Don't worry Mr. Freeman! This is- This is all up- up to code!" Tommy said, "The fans are like bay blades!" he added, jumping into the sewage and swimming through, "I'm gonna get sepsis..." she said, "Yeah, maybe. We'll find the cybernetics department soon though," and she nodded, pushing herself into the sewage. He sighed, knowing he was about to fight a ton of Coomer clones. He jumped after Alyx, seeing she could swim pretty well despite the lack of arm or leg. He followed after her, passing through the fans, readying himself.

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