Chapter 1 Act 3: New Stars Approaches

Start from the beginning

"We should have asked that emissary, Ganyu," Boboiboy told them.

"Ugh... Well, since we want to go to the Jade Chamber, heading to its location on the map is the sensible thing to do! Let's look around. There has to be a way up there nearby!" Paimon told them as they started looking around to find a clue.

Boboiboy was the first one to find the clue, "Hey, guys! I found something!" Boboiboy called them as they walked up to him.

"It's some sort of mechanism thingy! Since this is the right place, it must have something to do with the Jade Chamber." Paimon said.

"Maybe it's the way to the Jade Chamber?" Lumine asked in confusion.

"Yes, this must be the way!" Paimon told them as Boboiboy switches to Wind and uses his Anemo to activate it.

Ganyu groaned softly as she put her head in her hands. That wasn't the way up at all, but she was the one who was supposed to provide them with that information, and she hadn't. It was really her fault.

She felt someone pat her on the back, and given the side it came from, it seemed it was Hu Tao. She didn't say anything, but Ganyu appreciated the consolation anyway.

Once he activated it, they started using the Wind Glider to glide up there. But they saw it was not high enough, they only found the floating rock so they landed on it.

"Huh? It only takes us up to here... Aw, if that wind current was strong, we'd be able to reach the top in one go!" Paimon complained (which some audience agreed upon).

"I guess our best option is to go back to Liyue and ask the Millelith..." Boboiboy suggested.

"Huh? Why?" Paimon asked.

"Boboiboy's right. The way up shouldn't be a secret, or..." Lumine said.

"Or? ...Oh, Paimon gets it! If it was a secret, Ganyu wouldn't have let us try to find it ourselves, right? Alright, let's follow your plan, then we can..." Paimon said but she saw something.

"Ooh! Hang on a moment. Look down there! Looks like we've gotten close to the Guizhong Ballista. Hmm... Uh... Paimon has a new idea! Why don't we shoot you up to the Jade Chamber using the Ballista?" Paimon suggested, which gives Lumine a deadpanned look.

"No thanks. I don't have a death wish." Lumine declined immediately.

Kaeya chuckled while shaking his head. "While I'm all for doing what works, I'm pretty sure that falls outside the scope of realistic ideas."

"Oh... Right. This method does seem a bit unsafe..." Paimon said

"Still, I do remember that the Ballista had a scope," Lumine said as she remembered using it before.

"Oh, that's right! Now that you mention it, we could use the Guizhong Ballista to see if there's another way up nearby!"

So the group went down and headed over to the Guizhong Ballista until they met some Millelith guards.

"Halt! Who trespasses on these hallowed grounds?" The guard named Huaqing asked them.

"Hallowed what now? These are the wilds around Mt. Tianheng..." Lumine said.

"Exactly. What're you talking about?" Paimon agreed with her, "We're invited guests! What makes you think you can treat us like this?"

"No... Wait... Maybe this was Ningguang's plan all along! She pretended to invite us to the Jade Chamber, but set up a Millelith ambush here to arrest us!" Paimon said angrily, which didn't sit well with Paimon.

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