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- Oooh! - Shinjuro grimaced after tipping the sake cup. - What a weak booze. Pour the second round straight away.

- Slow down - Kemuri scolded his brother. - I specifically asked for a weaker one because you always drink like crazy and then I have to hold your head while you...

- When was it? - He asked, although he remembered perfectly well the situations from a month ago, a month and a half ago, two months ago and so on. - Besides, you promised me that we would celebrate together if I passed the final selection!

Flamehair had actually recently completed his final demon slayer exam, and today he returned to his home estate. Off duty, he found only his foster brother there. He did not fail to take advantage of this situation and throw a feast in his honor. As the oldest descendant of the hosts, he ruled here in their absence. Black-eyed was not keen on this idea. Of course, he liked to party like everyone else his age. However, he had a little more common sense than his brother and definitely more humility. Therefore, he decided that they should wait until their parents returned to celebrate. Shinjuro said that he loves his parents, but they won't let him have fun, so they have to go crazy today. The brothers resolved the dispute with a wooden sword duel, which was won by the older one despite some injuries sustained during the selection process.
So they sat down in the dining room with the exit door open to have a view of the carefully tended garden and let the summer breeze flow inside. The servants prepared alcohol, sushi and some sweets for them. In gratitude, Shinjuro allowed them to take any drink from the master's bar. They did not refuse the heir's generous offer and ran as quickly as possible to wet their lips. However, the black-haired kid had already seen Sanjuro's madness in his mind's eye when he discovered the missing parts in his sake cellar.

- So what are we gonna do now? I just don't feel like dragging your corpse back to the bedroom again. Let me just remind you that when you are drunk you snore unbearably.

- And? You've had your own room for years. - The older brother pointed out to him.

- But the walls are not soundproof. - Black-haired kid rightly noticed.

- Come on, don't be like that. Won't you pour for your brother?

After seeing Shinjuro's puppy eyes, Kemuri finally relented and filled their dishes. He also wondered if he was really the younger of them? After all, his brother still behaved like a brat who saw the bottle for the first time.

- Well, now it's to you, my little brother! I hope you will pass in the future too. - Flame-haired man wished his brother well.

- I want to came out alive of this too. - He commented before drinking the water.

Shinjuro was then fifteen years old and Kemuri was only twelve. Both of them shouldn't drink alcohol at such a young age, but Shinjuro tried sake for the first time half a year ago and it immediately became his favorite drink. He didn't become addicted because he was able to stop drinking for weeks. However, when he started, he didn't know the word "enough". This was the main reason why he wanted to celebrate in the absence of their parents. However, his brother did not have the same desires, so he poured alcohol for him and regular water from the well for himself.

- Are you sure you don't want to try? - Shinjuro asked.

- No - Kemuri replied icily.

- Well, time for third round! I have to drink for both of us.

- Eat something before! - ordered the black-eyed man, stuffing a piece of tuna into his brother's mouth.

Young men actually stopped gargling for a moment and filled their stomachs to the full so as not to end the celebration too early or on the floor.

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