Chapter 1

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Hello reader! Thanks for checking out this story, it's something I'm very passionate about and I've had this book thought up for years now. Hopefully I can deliver it in writing just the way I want it. It is a romance novel and I hope it puts a smile on your face and I hope the characters come alive for you as they have for me. Please vote and comment your thoughts, suggestions or constructive criticism. It's my first novel so I'm sure I can use it. Thank you so much and enjoy!

"The way you move is like a full on rainstorm,

and I'm a house of cards."


Someone was shaking me.

"What," I mumbled, swatting away the hands.

I opened my eyes, squinting at the brightness. My eyes adjusted to see Miranda peering down at me looking annoyed.

What a wonderful sight to wake up to.

"You plan on going to school?" she asked, leaning against my bed frame.

I answered by pulling the blanket up over my face.

"Seriously Lauren, this is the second time I'm waking you up," she said exasperatedly. "You have fifteen minutes to get your ass to the door or I'm leaving without you."

She walked towards the mirror on my vanity and leaned in close to check if there was anything in her teeth. I rolled over and watched her mess with her hair until she was satisfied.

I sighed and pushed myself up into a sitting position. My legs still ached from yesterday's run. I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my sore muscles.

Miranda, my twin sister, was all ready to go. She even had a smoothie in her hand. People like her were the ones getting far in life.

Seriously, if you're a morning person, you have it made.

I guess she was satisfied because she rolled her eyes at me in the mirror before walking out of the room.

If you saw us together, you'd definitely think that she was a distant cousin at best. We didn't look alike very much. She had blond hair, blue eyes and to top it off, she was 5'8". I, on the other hand, had long brown hair, dark brown eyes and I was a solid 5'4". The only thing we had in common were our parents.

Actually, I don't think our father qualified as a parent so I guess that one didn't count either. Go figure.

After Miranda left, I quickly brushed my teeth and threw on some clean clothes. I looked in the mirror and groaned. A huge pimple was making an appearance right in the middle of my forehead.

Welp, there's no stopping this one.

At least my hair was looking good this morning. I brushed it out and quickly put it in a braid. It was getting too long to do anything else in the heat, I needed a trim.

I got to the door just as Miranda was getting into the car. She looked at me over her sunglasses and gave me a look. Probably had to do with the fact that I was wearing her shirt but I chose to ignore it. That's what sisters were for.

We reached the familiar gravel parking lot of our school and I got out of the car just as some idiot sped by me and parked a few spots down.

"Lauren!" My best friend Anne shouted. I turned to see her running over to me.

I took my backpack out of the car, stifling a yawn. "Hey Anne."

Anna was a ball of energy. Everything about her screamed, nothing was subtle. The first thing that stood out was her fiery red hair; it was the kind of colour you couldn't get out of a box. The next thing you noticed was her amazing sense of style. She didn't shy away from bright colours or showing off some skin. Her clothing was an outlet for her creativity.

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