Har Har Mahadev (we both have to thank him)

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Hinge of fate

Har Har Mahadev (we both have to thank him)

Certainly I am ready to express my feelings for someone special, a heartfelt yet simple expression of my emotion.

In the realm of emotions, where words often fall short, I find myself compelled to pen down the ineffable beauty of what I feel. Love is a beautiful revelation, a testament to the impact someone had on my life. It is a force beyond control, guided me towards you. The right person, or at least I believe so, entered my life, bringing with them a cascade of emotions that defy easy expression. As I navigate this journey of emotions, I am inspired to share this with the world, to immortalize the joy and warmth you've brought into my existence.

Let me navigate the delicate dance of words to convey a sentiment that surpasses the limitations of language – my love for you.


So, here's a little tale about how I reluctantly dove back into the world of dating apps. See, I'd sworn off them ages ago due to all the horror stories about cons and tricks, and my peace of mind was just too precious to risk. But then, enter the infamous friend recommendation – the ones who know how to disrupt your mental peace (banter it is). This friend insisted on this app called Hinge, claiming it was different. And well, against my better judgment, I succumbed to the peer pressure, thinking, "What's the harm in a little mental chaos?" Little did I know.

Cut to December 16, 2023, a random day, and there it was – a notification announcing a match. I was instantly skeptical about the match, considering HE wasn't even in the same city as me. But god had some other plans. But then went ahead with the match and thought to give it a chance. So here I am, grinning like a fool and feeling those delightful jitters as I prepare to introduce HIM.

Meet Mr. Verma (we both know the story behind this surname, it is not his own surname but then this is how we started talking also I cannot use his real name here) – a school teacher (vocational trainer) hailing from Jalandhar, a man whose skills and intellect are impressive. At 31, standing at a decent 5'9, he rocks a pair of specs that somehow adds to his charm, complementing his lean and handsome physique with wheatish complexion. He carries the experience of divorce. (I wonder if he would like me sharing these details but I am using these anyway). In a world where any girl would consider herself lucky to have a chance with him on a dating app, fate smiled upon me. Yes, you read that right – me - the luckiest one. How did I manage that? Well, that's a story you will be reading ahead, but for now, let's just appreciate the delightful details that make Mr. Verma a standout catch on the dating scene. Cheers to the stroke of luck that brought us together!

He initiated the chat by commenting (its deep.. we are revolving around dharma.. bt actually dharma is a set of instructions to do karma to get moksha.. what u think?) on my tattoo (karam dharam moksha). This is how we started talking, I liked his intriguing nature that he talks in detail and notice things. Introduction started as soon as we got matched. The funniest thing is when he said he is from Jalandhar and I am from Chandigarh we both commented at the same time. He said its closeby and I said its far. Lol. Thats how we laughed and gelled up well.

Then came the unexpected compliment – he appreciated my voice while I was sending him voice notes if I ever wanted to explain something, he said he finds a connection with those who are soft-spoken and having a sweet voice. As he labeled himself exceptionally extroverted, the contrast intrigued us both.

The conversation flowed seamlessly, transitioning from banter to more substantial topics. A Saturday found him heading to the mandir, revealing another layer of his personality. We delved into the intricate meaning behind my tattoo, discussed his ex being from my city, and explored his passion for the stock market. His distaste for the typical 9-5 job and his desire to follow his stock market passion resonated with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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