Chapter 1

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When Shi Qingxuan entered the bar he almost immediately walked to a man.
He asked the man about Ship Sinking Black Water, if he knows something about him or has any small information.

Suddenly, he heard a deep voice coming from behind him.

Ship Sinking Black Water is an ancient and terrible calamity.”

Qingxuan immediately turned around to look at that person.

That man expressions were neutral yet dark. His skin looked quite pale with long, black hair. His robes and clothes were also black.

Shi Qingxuan seemed to study that man for a few seconds then looked into his eyes, which were expressionless and deadish.

Don't you know perhaps, if Black Water He Xuan used to show himself between the...well among us?”, Qingxuan asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Occasionally, yes. For a very brief period of time.”

The man's expressions remained cold and unfeeling as he spoke.

However, Qingxuan's expression remained soft.

How familiar are you with his appearance?”, the man slightly narrowed his eyes as he spoke again.

I only heard the rumors...”

I see. Then I will provide a description. Ship Sinking Black Water He Xuan is a young man with sharp, black eyes and long, black hair”

The man pauses for a moment, as if considering his next words.

He typically wears black and silver robes. His expression is cold and unfeeling, and his presence is often accompanied by a feeling of unease. Is that... sufficient?”

As he was listening to the man's words his eyes widened with every spoken word, because the one who is standing in front of him right now looks exactly the same, as Black Water He Xuan in the given description.

Qingxuan thoughts were racing while  scanning him up and down.

Nonetheless, the man's face remained neutral, but a faint sense of amusement appeared in his eyes, as he watched the other party's reaction.

Do you recognize me?”

You are He Xuan!”

Shi Qingxuan said out loud without realization.
However, it can be heard that his voice of tone was surprised.

Indeed I am.”

He Xuan's voice was calm and unruffled, but there was a glint of something in his eyes as he stared at him.

And you are...?”

My name is Shi Qingxuan”, he smiled at He Xuan.

Pleasent name. It's my honor to meet you.”

Despite, He Xuan clearly said it mockingly Shi Qingxuan hasn't paid attention to it even a little bit and just kept smiling.

He Xuan stared at him with narrowed eyes before he spoke up sharply.

Why have you sought out to me?”

“Well..umm... that was because um...”

Qingxuan didn't know how to tell him the truth or what to even say.

How could he say to him that he just wanted to see him?!
What would He Xuan think about him?!

Qingxuan tried to say something, while started to rub his chin in his nervousness.

He Xuan kept staring at him with narrowed eyes, while deep down he felt intrigued by Shi Qingxuan.

Why are you not trembling in fear before me? You are not afraid?”

Qingxuan frowned while slightly raised an eyebrow.

I don't see why I should be afraid.”

He Xuan's expression hardened.

“Every mortal who sees me or just hears my name collapses in fear. You must have heard the legends.”

Shi Qingxuan's face grew serious.

If I would go after the ‘fairy tale’ legends then I'm sure I would be afraid”

He Xuan took a step closer as he spat every word frigidly.

Fairy tale legends? I am NOT some fictional character in a myth. Do you believe I am simply a story that people tell to their children before sleeping?”

Well... I'm not said that. But these legends are..”, Qingxuan let out a low sigh.

In Fu Gu Town the stories about SCHOLAR HE are at least kind of true.”

Qingxuan looked deeply in his eyes as he said those words.

He Xuan raised an eyebrow as he realized what the other party was trying to say. His cold glare softened for a moment when Qingxuan mentioned scholar He, as if he was genuinely surprised, but then his expressions became distant once again.

Are there tales of me told in the mentioned town? I was not aware of that.”

Qingxuan's face lightened up with a smile, while his tone was still soft.

Of course! How talented you were before the catastrophe, what happened, who you had basically almost everything. They even made a festival in your honor.”

He Xuan let out a cold laugh.

And that's why you aren't afraid of me? Because you think deep down I'm good or something?”

He Xuan leaned close to his face.

Qingxuan didn't step back even a little, confidently stared back at him and nodded.

I don't think, I know. And now that I saw you I can see in your eyes that you are not as evil as the people think.”

He Xuan leaned back and crossed his arms.

“Good huh? You're an idiot, if you think that I'm good.”, he paused for a moment.

So, you say the mortals even made a
festival in my honor? Interesting.”

Qingxuan smiled broadly.

Yes, they organize it in every year! You really should go and watch it. In this year they will perform today! They already made everything since dawn. I will go with you so you won't be alone on the way, because who wants to be alone ahahaha”

Qingxuan involuntarily stepped next to him and held into his arm.

He Xuan strained at his action. However seeing his face, He Xuan somehow didn't want to hit him. He didn't know why, but he could feel that his expressions started to soften as he looked at Shi Qingxuan, but he quickly looked away and his expressions were icy again.

He was somehow different than the other mortals. Shi Qingxuan didn't show fear at all, and He Xuan didn't know why. Even tho He Xuan thought inwardly, he will attend to that festival to destroy it and laugh into his face.

To prove it that he's not good anymore. His lips corners curled up a little mischievously.

Then please lead the way and guide me.”

Shi Qingxuan smiled happily as he started to guide him to Fu Gu Town.

All the way Qingxuan's mouth didn't stop for even a moment.

Nevertheless, He Xuan stayed silent and listened to him.

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