Chapter 5- Blizzard

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A/N: uhhh I'm in such a big writing slump so sorry for not posting a new story in weeks... 

My brother can be a total seal snot sometimes, but that isn't stopping me from rescuing him from the clutches of Queen Dreamcreeper. But still. You owe me a salmon little brother!

As the sweeping sandy dunes finally fades to icy tundra, I breathe a sigh of relief. The hot humidity brushes off my scales like insects and I scan the icy ground with a smile.

When I pass over the cliffs borderings the Sand kingdom, I swoop to land on the ground. Without even thinking about it, my talons carry me to her house.

I dart down the street, passing dragonets flying to school, adults hunting, and an ancient looking icewing fishing in a frozen pond. The familiar sights make my heart ache for all the normality of it. Far from the life I live now, filled with secret rebel plots and kidnappings and wars.

I pass a bush dotted with perfect white snowdrops and I pause to pick one. I clutch the white flowers tightly in my talons, almost breaking the stem as I walk down the street I've walked nearly a thousand times.

I look away when I pass my house, my whole body tensed in fear.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I reach her house and I hesitate before flying up to a window and placing the flower on the windowsill. With a slight tap in the glass, I turn and fly away from my house and the painful memories that accompany it.

I could fly to the frozen lake that I spent most of my dragonet-hood at with my eyes closed. The deep lake is guarded by icy pines and piles of powdery snow so I have to shoulder my way through the leafy branches.

When I finally arrive, I study the frozen over pond. Most of my younger years were spent here with Frost, burying each other in piles of snow, learning how to ice skate, practising fighting and flying, and hunting for food when my father was in one of his moods or Frost's parents had simply not bothered to feed their youngest, most insignificant daughter.

I'm so lost in memories that I don't hear the soft talon steps behind me, precise and careful. But I somehow catch my name, a tiny whisper so quiet it could be a gust of wind. But it's not.

"Frost!" I scream with joy as I turn to see a light blue Icewing drop the white rose in her talons in shock.

"Blizzard!" Somehow her screaming my name sounds quieter than when she whispers it, but maybe that's because I can barely hear her over the pounding of my heart.

We stare at each other for a second, snouts split by piercing grins, and then she's sprinting towards me. I open my wings just before Frost barrels into me, sending the two of us sprawling backwards on the slushy, cold ground.

I grin even more as Frost tightens her wings around me, her soft violet eyes meeting mine. "Frost," I breathe, with her still on top of me. "You have no idea how much I missed-"

That's when she slaps me. Right across the snout. It's a light blow but I flinch nonetheless, habit I guess.

"BLIZZARD! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" She screeches, pounding her fists against my chest, pure anger and worry and regret cross her just-before-happy face. "WHEN YOU WEREN'T AT SANCTUARY I THOUGHT THE WORST! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" Frost's voice breaks and her punches weaken until she's collapsed against my chest, crying.

I stroke her horns in what I hope is a comforting way as she sobs. "Where were you?! This whole time I thought you were-" her voice cuts off again.

"It's okay, I'll explain everything."

And that I did. I told her everything about flying to the Sea Kingdom, being brought to the Rainforest by Bella, Bloodhunter and Storm, finding out I'm part of a prophecy, the rebels attacking the rainforest, Scarlet and Blister being risen from the dead and Bella being kidnapped. (I left out the part about Snow, she's already dealing with a lot)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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