Five and out

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On my fifth birth birthday, I was kicked outside. "From now on, you will sleep outside, and don't even dare enter the house if it's not winter time. Oh, and don't come for food either! You are old enough to take care of yourself." My mother said, slaming the door in my face, even locking it.

I sat on under the tree, confused wondering why my mother said that. "Does mother not love me? Why does everyone disown me? What did I do?" I said, sitting under the Cherry Bloosome, wondering why life is so unfair.

"Look who's going to cry like a little baby." Said one of the clan members, she was pretty and a brat only two years older than me. "Koi, why don't you like me?" I asked with no hesitation. "Why? Why! Because you're a freak, just look at yourself. Do you think you fit in? If you do, then you're all wrong. Just look at yourself. You're so ugly and a disgrace to the clan name." She said with no remorce in her voice, but soon as she said thouse words she left.

As the evening hit, I was starving. I could eat two meals if I wanted to, but sadly, I couldn't, I had to fend for myself like a dog on the streets, no home, no love, and no caring family. "Hm, I'm starving.. What could I eat? The only things I can think about are plants, and, and....River fish, but the river fish are two hours away from the clan territory." I was only five, but not stupid. I was very observant and could memorize paths and places, a thing someone my age couldn't, because they were almost all spoiled and even greedy.

"Maby, I could ask pa, I hope my grandfather gives me a small piece of food." I said with hope in my voice, hope that I need to survive at my age.  I ran to my grandparents' home full with hope in my harth that they'll give me some little food. "Pa, pa....May I have some food? Or a little of bread?" I asked politely as I could. "Food? Food! Who said you were my grandchild? I mean, just look at yourself begging for food like a worthless pish of shit you are. Leave now, you scum!" He said, throwing a rock at me. As soon as the rock hit me, I ran off and away from his home, not daring to go back.

As night hit, I was wandering around the clans' territory all alone and a bit scared, I was lucky it was summer night, the fresh cool air keeping me relaxed, but soon enough I would halft to make a fire as the temperature dropped to keep warm. "Not fair! Why does everyone have someone to love them, but not me? What did I do to deserve this punishment?" I said as I continued to walk around.

The next morning, i was awoken by footsteps."Huh?" I was suddenly kicked in the stomach. "Ach!" I curl up in then sit up to see who kicked me, and there she was, it was Koi the same girl that liked to mock me and tell me I am a nobody. "Morning, freak! I could hear your stomach grumbling, how annoying." I look away then back at her. "Why? Why are you so mean? What did I ever do to you? Whatever I did, I'm sorry I won't do it again, I promise." Soon as I said thouse words, she kicked me again harder in the stomach. "Koi, please stop. Please, I suer I'm sorry." She smirked and laughed, pleased by my pain and begs for mercy. "Why should I? Hm? Like I said and will always will, you are a nobody, this is why everyone disowns' you." As she finished, she walked away, pleased by her actions.
I lay there on the ground, whipering a bit from the pain she inflicted, I'd close my eyes and try to ignore the pain. After some time of laying there, I sit up and limp away to hide somewhere, even if it meant leaving clan territory.

"River... River.." I said, trying not to cry as I walked to the river. The walk was about two hours, but I was willing to make that happen for some peace and calm sounds of the flowing water that calms someone's aching soul and broken heart. As I continued to walk towerds the river, I saw some drunken clan members walking back towerds clan territory, carrying some fish in their creel baskets. "Hey, look, isn't that the ugly whore of the clan." Said the one caring the creel basket on his back. "Oh,yeah! That is the girl. Hey! Get your ass over her little whore and give is some pleasure!" Soon as he said thouse words I ran off the trail to get away and stay away from them. Suddenly, I didn't see the branch in the path. Suddenly. I trip over it, macking me stumble down a hill, I roll down the hill, hitting some rocks on my way down.

As my rolling down the hill came to a stop, I was in so much pain that I was sobbing and whipering lowly to not bring any attention of danger towerds me. "Mmm, why me? Why does the universe hate me?" I sit up now crying. Suddenly, I twiggs snap, but I was too busy sobbing.

Nariko OokamiWhere stories live. Discover now