Chapter One: Something to Look Forward To

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All my life, I've been nothing but loyal to those that won the war. The humans are enslaved, and the world is better run. I helped accomplish that, a big part of it. This is the world we always envisioned. One of peace, with the humans properly contained. This is why I live for my job. This is why I continue to serve corporate. I love my work. It's always been my top priority.

That was before she gave me something to go home to.

Even now, my mind can't focus on the meeting. We have a new compound to introduce, a drug that acts on vampires like alcohol on humans. It's my job to create a marketing plan that will make the job of sales easier. I need to pay attention. My job, and life, depend on it. Instead of concentrating on the compound's qualities and price point, I'm tapping my fingers on my knee and thinking of a pair of hazel eyes.

Her beautiful curves and sharp nose call to me. I'd rather be lying in bed with her at this moment. Even when I'm not with her, my mind remains close. After all these years, love never seemed possible. It was a waste of time not to be indulged in.

Then Scarlette walked into my life.

I watch as Verra points at multiple pictures and figures projected on the wall, but I see none of it. What do numbers and details of a drug meant to make our people feel good matter when she awaits my return? I don't believe in this anyway. It's poison, pure and simple. Something that numbs our people for a short time and makes them want more. I'll never touch the stuff.

That doesn't mean I won't help sell it. I hate that our people partake, but it's their choice. My job—my loyalty to Corporate—demands that I sell this blood additive. And sell it I do.

"What are the side effects?" Owen white says halfway down the table.

With a grimace, I take a sip of my blood and listen for the answer. As much as I'd rather be elsewhere, this needs to be done. Side effects are important because we've had a few uncomfortable ones come up that didn't happen in testing. We can't do anything about those, but if we frame it right, we can cover any others in the warning.

Verra looks over at the director of sales, her honey-colored eyes seeming to pierce right through him. She's the voice of Corporate for our building, the go between for us and those who call all the shots. The ancients of the vampire world now rule over what's left after the war. The less we see them, the better for everyone.

"We only have issues with vampires who haven't eaten for a few days. It messes a bit with the metabolism and can make those over hungry lightheaded and maybe black out. Nothing serious has been reported," Verra explains.

That's not a pleasant side effect, but we simply need to target those that are less likely to go hungry. It's an easy workaround, so I'm not worried at all. Even with my loyalty, I don't want to endanger those of us that are more vulnerable. If this seemed dangerous, I would ask more questions. As it is, I'm not in the least bit concerned.

"Price?" I ask to keep my mind from wandering again.

"Median, maybe a little lower."

Nodding, I make a note of it on the tablet. By the time we finish, there is no hope for focus. The remaining hours until quitting time are going to be long. Verra calls an end to the meeting. Owen stops me on my way, which makes it hard to hold back my grimace.

His white-blond hair sticks up in places as if his hands have gone through it a few times. Shifty gray eyes look around us. Verra raises her eyebrows as she leaves, but I can only shrug. Owen White is not one of my favorite coworkers. He's a necessary evil to deal with.

"Your people better make a great plan for this. I'll make sure blame falls where it's deserved otherwise," he says with a sneer.

"I wouldn't think anything less of you, Owen."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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