Chapter Two: An Illusion

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Sitting on a bed in the healer's building, I look out over the area. A few elves with simple injuries wait to be taken care of, but it's mostly empty. We only need healing when injured, so it's rare to find these buildings busy. The only time I ever saw ours was when light magic was attacked. That's a memory I purposely try to forget.

I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm not injured. Dread rises in me at the thought of them noticing the darkness in me. Part of me wishes that they'll catch me and kick me out. The rest of me worries what the Eingu will do to me. I'm doomed either way, but I'm not ready to meet the end that's sure.

As a woman walks in my direction, I feel the darkness coiled in me twist in my gut. It shrinks into a little ball, hiding away as much as it can. By the ear, this woman has a medium talent with light magic. The swirls end halfway to the point.

"Marilsa, right?" she says, her gentle voice matching her light blue eyes and white hair.

I simply smile and nod. She returns the expression before lifting a pad to read information. Patience isn't possible with the nervousness creepy through me. I do my best not to tremble or pick at my fingers.

"My name is Percha. You're a lucky elf to survive everything that happened."

Sure, I am. So very lucky.

"Thank you," is all I say out loud.

"Looks like you don't have any injuries. They just want me to check you to make sure. Can I touch your head?"

Swallowing, I nod. She reassures me that this won't hurt, and I almost laugh. I've been helped by healers enough to know that this magic is harmless. That's not where my fears come from. It's the fact something wants to remain hidden within me.

Her magic tingles over me. She turns with a nod and writes on the paper. "I'm giving you good marks. You're extremely healthy, Marilsa."

I let out a sigh that's both relief and regret. The urge to tell her I'm not healthy overwhelms me. When I open my mouth to do so, the darkness swells again, freezing my voice in my throat. I try to fight it, but silence is all that greets me. My palms begin to sweat with the effort to break that block. Dizziness makes the world spin and blur.

As soon as I give up, the block disappears while my vision clears. I swallow past where the lump that held my warning once sat. Taking a few deep breaths, I plaster an uneasy smile on my face when Percha looks up from her notes, relieved when she returns it in a way that says I'm at least a little convincing.

"Okay," Percha says. "So, a few people want to talk to you before you're shown where you'll be staying. Council and our light magic master to see what kind of threat we will need to prepare for, if any. Just sit tight. They'll be here shortly."

With a nod to hide my nervousness, I watch her walk away and clench my teeth. If the light magic master touches me, there's no way she'll not know that darkness resides in me. That could be a good thing. Maybe I should even ask her to scan me.

I bite my tongue hard enough that I almost yelp. These conflicting thoughts are too much to handle. It's as if I'm fighting an eternal war, one my light side needs to win. It must win. There is no other option that will turn out right.

A woman with silver hair and eyes walks into the building. Wrinkles show great age, but her face is kind. A younger woman follows behind her, carrying a tablet for notes. The detail and size of the tattoo on the master's ear tells me that she's stronger than the light master at my colony. I had one day hoped to have flames of that detail covering my ear at one point, but the future doesn't look like it'll last long enough.

"Hello, Marilsa. I'm the light master of our colony. Call me Burtia. This is my apprentice, Nalale. I would like to speak with you about what happened."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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