"You're perfect. Will you please marry my older brother?" The girl asked taking both the eighteen year old trainers off guard

"Bonnie misty can't accept that she's too young to get married" ash explained as Bonnie looked at him confused

"She's eighteen though. She's the legal age to get married. If you marry my brother misty you'll get the best sister in law you can get. Me" the younger girl said making misty laugh as the  raven haired boy frowned seeing the girl completely ignored him.

"Bonnie what did I tell you about asking any girl you meet to marry me?" A blonde haired boy said

"I guess some old habits never die" a females voice chimed in before the pair reached the group.

"I'm so sorry about that she doesn't learn" the blonde haired boy said as misty shook her head

"Don't worry it's fine. She reminds me of someone I once met" misty said as ash turned to her

"Who?" He asked

"Mari. Don't you remember the little girl from our travels to the orange islands" misty said as ash rolled his eyes

"Right the little girl with the arrogant brother" ash said as misty cleared her voice

"That's your opinion Ketchum" misty said before turning to the two who recently joined them

"I'm misty cerulean city gym leader. Nice to meet you both" misty said outstretching a hand to each of them.

"I'm Clemont the gym leader of this gym" the blonde haired boy said before the girl introduced herself.

"I'm Serena a coordinator" she said politely

"Ash it's been a while" Clemont said turning to the boy

"That's right. We missed you so much. Why don't you come around more often?" Serena asked as both the trainers cornered their long time friend.

"You both know how it is. I've been really busy traveling around and exploring new places" Ash said with a small smile a scratch to his cheek as Bonnie beamed at the boy.

"Yeah we know Mr champion" the girl said proudly as the three trainers smiled.

"Alain and Korrina heard you were visiting and they wanted to make sure to see you" Clemont added

"That's right they should both be here any moment. Alain's been coming to Clemonts gym more often" Serena said

"That's great news! It's been so long since I've seen them both" ash said excitedly

"Korrina and Alain?" Misty asked lost at who the group was talking about

"You'll meet them soon misty they are great friends to us here and you'll love them" Bonnie said reassuringly as she grabbed the girls hand and the other three looked at them both and smiled.
It didn't take long for two new people to show up to the gym. Both were polar opposites it seemed. A ball of sunshine and one who was like the rain. Korrina was beaming when she met misty for the first time after reuniting with Ash.

"I'm so happy to meet one of Ash's friends from back home" she had said excitedly

Alain gave her a polite greeting and it didn't take long before the boy faced ash in a match as Clemont was the referee. The four girls sat in the stands as misty watched their match in awe admiring both competitors skills. She couldn't keep her eyes off Ash as he was himself in the place that suited him the most. He grew so much since they first met and her heart swelled with pride as she saw her best friend in action.


"Misty" a voice said as misty snapped out of her trance and turned to see Bonnie looking at her curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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