First day of school (Pilot?)

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A new school opened, a boarding school, and parents started registering their kids. It's a high-quality school so there were only 270 places. All of them are occupied.

It's the first day, a Sunday. The students have one day to learn about the rules and look at the school. It is a normal school with normal rules and a normal schedule, but the students have more opportunities to live out their hobbies and find out what they want to do when they grow up. Also, they learn more stuff faster than in a public school.

The students start arriving, some with, some without their parents. A few weeks ago, they got a mail with a room number in it, and of course a message that they got accepted.

All of them start gathering in the rooms. Once the rooms filled with 27 students for each, the teacher asks them to quiet down. In every classroom, students get their schedules and 2 keys. One for their locker and one for their dorm.

"None of you are in the same dorm" the teachers say. "This will prevent you guys from copying homework or assignments" which makes no sense because the students could meet up anywhere else.

After all the rules are said, which takes 2 hours by the way, the students go to their dorms.

~Nina's POV~

This introduction took ages, I hope I have nice roommates. I do not want to spend my time with mean or ungrateful people. Okay let's see... 302... Oh, it's right there!

Nina goes to her dorm and unlocks it. She goes inside and places her stuff next to one of the beds. She takes the one closest to the door.

Seems like I'm the first one. It's quite cozy in here, I like it. Let's hope my roomies are coming soon too.

She hears someone opening the door. A girl with grey hair is standing in the door. It's hard to tell if she is dead inside or just tired.

"Uhm, hi! My name is Reimu" she says a bit nervous. "Oh my, honey, do you want to lay down? You look tired"

~Reimu's POV~

Honey? No one ever called me that. She seems sweet. Wait- WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS THINK IM TIRED?!

"No I always look like this haha. What's your name by the way?" "Right, sorry honey. My name is Nina" the white haired girl says. A third person suddenly appears in the room. "Omg are you two my roomies? You look so pretty!"

Why is everyone so nice here? I actually like it here better than at home. Uh right introduce yourself.

"Hey! Yeah, we're all roomates, yay! My name is Reimu" "And I'm Nina" Kunai looks at them and says "Your names are so special I love them! Mine's Kunai. I'm just gonna put my stuff down here" she puts her stuff onto the last avaible bed.

~Scarle's POV~

Oh my god I know literally no one here, who are these people?! Oh, isn't that girl in my class?

She looks to her right as she is standing infront of the door. A girl with light blue hair is standing infront of room 306. Scarle shakes her head and unlocks the room 305. She is the first one so she puts her stuff down at a random bed. Only a few seconds later, a girl with long blonde hair and a green bow is in the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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