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Music - Vitamin String Quartet - Sunflower (By Post Malone)

Dearest reader,

Another season is to begin. The games and rumours shall reveal themselves soon, but I shall be the first to reveal the returning of a lady of the ton. Daughter of an Earl, Florence Daintlaton. After six years abroad, she is soon to return to Mayfair. And rumour has it that she is to find a husband.

Yet the only thing that has ever caught the young lady's eye was her hobbies. 

After the successful season for the now Duchess, Daphne Basset of Hastings, this author wonders if this new lady in town shall be the next diamond of the season. Unfortunately, dearest reader, only time will tell. 

"Mama, can you believe it?!" Eloise Bridgerton exclaimed, "Florence is to return!" Eloise quickly brought Lady Whistledown's paper to her mother, Violet Bridgerton, and pointed right at the paragraph. "Oh my! How time has flown by! She was still but a child then, she must be all grown up now," Lady Bridgerton said.

Daphne entered the parlour room and set her eyes on her sister and mother fussing over a paper. "What is it now? Eloise, you should be getting ready for today." Daphne said in a dry tone. 

Without looking up, Eloise responded, "Florence is to be returning." Immediately Daphne's eyes lit up.

"She is returning!? When?!" Daphne ran to her sister's side to take a look at the papers. 

"It doesn't say," Lady Bridgerton replied. Then the three oldest Bridgerton boys walked in. Two of them were arguing with each other.

"No! Colin, that is not how it works!" Anthony argued

"Yes it is!" Colin protested. Benedict rolled his eyes as his older and younger brother fought. "Calm down! Both of you are entirely wrong!"

Daphne, once again not taking her eyes off the paper shouted, "Shut it! I'm trying to read!"

"You are always TRYING to read, Daphne. How about we call it quits now since it clearly hasn't worked out," Colin teased. 

Lady Bridgerton shot her head up, "Colin Bridgerton! " The three boys flinched at the sound of their mother shouting. They slowly sat down on the sofas.

Benedict lied down on the sofa watching the three women intensely read the paper. "What is it that has gotten all three of you so intrigued?" he asked. All three just answered in unison, "Florence is returning."

Benedict, confused, asked, "And Florence is... who?" Eloise rolled her eyes and responded, "Florence Daintlaton? The girl who practically grew up with us but you were too busy playing around for you to even notice her?" Benedict lay there racking his brain

"My word, you really don't remember her," Lady Bridgerton said in utter disbelief. 

Finally looking up from the paper, Daphne scolded, "How could you not remember? She taught me to play the pianoforte! She taught Eloise and Francesca how to read as well! Colin, Anthony! Please tell me you remember her!"

"Well, I remember her playing with us. She was two years older than me I remember. She was like an elder sister, " Colin responded

Everyone's heads turned to Anthony, "Um, well, I remember being friendly with her. I don't suppose I talked to her many times though."

"So, you are telling me, in the twelve years since she came to live a few houses down. You two have barely spoken to her?" Lady Bridgerton asked. The two eldest nodded. "Gregory and I are very much younger than the two of you and we have more memories of her than you," Hyacinth chimed in upon entering the parlour room.  

Just as Francesca was walking by the parlour room Benedict noticed her. Pointing at her, Benedict exclaimed, "Well what of Francesca?" Francesca looked around as her family stared at her. "What? Is there something on me?" Francesca looked at herself. 

To break the silence, Daphne said, "Francesca, do you remember Florence? Florence Daintlaton?" 

"Um, yes, why?" Francesca answered, "Did something happen to her?"

"No, it is just that she is returning to Mayfair," Eloise replied. Just as her eldest sister, Francesca's eyes lit up. "She is to return?! Why didn't you all tell me sooner?!" she exclaimed. Lady Bridgerton rolled her eyes as Benedict sat on the couch looking guilty.

Across the street in the Featherington's Residence

Penelope Featherington entered her families parlour room with a paper. "Mama, have you read the latest paper by Lady Whistledown?" Penelope asked. Lady Featherington looked up from the various necklaces laid out on the table. "Darling, it is best not to read that. You mustn't spoil that pretty little mind of yours," Lady Featherington commented. 

Prudence Featherington, the eldest, snatched the papers out of Penelope's hands. "Hey!" she exclaimed. "Oh shush Penny," Prudence said. 

As Prudence read, her eyes grew bigger and bigger. "Mama! Florence Daintlaton is to return to Mayfair!" she shouted. Lady Featherington shot up from her seat. "What?! Let me see that!" she quickly said. 

Snatching the papers from Prudence's hands, she read aloud, "Daughter of an Earl, Florence Daintlaton. After seven years abroad, she is soon to return to Mayfair. And rumour has it that she is to find a husband."

"So the devil's daughter returns"

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