Chapter 52 - Smiles & Surprises

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A/N: sorry for not updating, I got really sick :_(

Michelle's POV

Ginagawa neto dito?

"Hey, Irfan!" Ann greeted him with a warm smile on her face, "Fancy seeing you here," she added.

"Ann, hi! It's great seeing you here as well, Michelle and, Sam? It's lovely seeing you both as well," Irfan replied with a smile on his face, still having his hand on Anntonia's back.

He knows Sam as well?

"It's great seeing you as well, Irfan. You know Sam as well pala?" I say, looking at him with a curious look on my face.

"Yup, me and him had worked with each other on a project before. It's good to see you again, Irfan," Sam clarified as she placed her hand on my arm, earning a look from Ann.

Gosh, get your hand off me. I don't want Ann to get upset with me again. You don't know how hard it is to make suyo her.

"Well, it was pleasant to see you three, but unfortunately, I can't stay longer. I have a meeting to attend to," Irfan stated, removing his hand from Ann's back.

"It's fine, don't worry. It was nice being able to see you," Ann answered, giving him a genuine smile. "Take care on the way!" she added.

As we said our goodbyes, Irfan excused himself from the scene and headed out. — After a few minutes, our food had finally arrived. Ann kept herself busy with her phone as Sam kept engaging in conversations with me.

"Mich, do you have any plans after breakfast?" Sam asked, looking at me with a curious expression.

"Ann and I do, we have plans for the day," I say, even though Ann and I do not have any plans for the day, hoping Sam will buy it. — I gained a 'what?' look from Ann as I answered Sam's question.

"Oh, okay," Sam replied, blatantly disappointed I did not share more details while glancing at Ann who was curious about my answer.

Just as we finished our breakfast and said goodbye to Sam since she had other things to do, Ann and I headed off to the car, and as I predicted, my baby's upset with me.

I caught up to where Ann was at since she was a bit ahead of me, "Baby ko," I said as I placed my arm behind her.

"Yes?" Ann replied as we continued to walk, not glancing at me as she answered.

"Stop being upset na," I pleaded in a soft tone, opening the car's door as we reached the car.

"But, I'm not even upset?" Ann defended herself, closing the door before I could even say something.

I hurried myself to the opposite side of the car, getting myself seated to drive and make suyo my baby.

"Yes, you are!" I say after settling myself on the seat, starting the engine as I placed my hand on Ann's lap.

"I am not," Ann argued, brushing my hand off her lap as she rolled her eyes, leaning her back on the seat.

"Come on, baby, I can tell when you're upset," I say trying my best to woo her, driving off back to the house.

"You're so annoying," Ann murmured in a pissed-off tone, but eventually admitted, "I'm upset and annoyed about how your lovely best friend decided to show up, ruining our beautiful morning,"

"I'm sorry if Sam showing up ruined our morning together, and I'm also sorry for letting her do that, but I only did that to be nice. Plus, you know Sam, she'll snitch to my mom," I explained, slowly snaking my hand back on her lap.

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