Chapter 105: Supriya waiting for Sons Arrival!!

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"Maharajah!!!" A guard called for him.

"Mitra!!!" Duryodhan addressed to him in soft tone. He was crying too. At that time his son Laxman Kumar was already dead. In the hands of his own cousin brother Avimanyu. So he was able to feel his friend's agony.

                 Anga Raj Karna

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                 Anga Raj Karna

No answer. Pin drop silence. The fire stick on his right hand was burning down in full speed. But the man was not moving.

Duryi came forward and touched his friend's shoulder. With love.

Karna flinched uncomfortably. He all of a sudden had realized that he was at the burning ghat. Not in his tent. He was here to cremate his son. His dear Satya. Truthful. Curious. Shy. Gentle. Loving. And devoted son of his. None left to ask him about the meaning of Dharma shashtra. None left to ask him about deep political questions. None left to read all the books of the Royal library of Anga. None left to be happy to have only a book as a gift. At the time of Bana he was dejected. At the time of Chitra he was heart broken. Yet at the time of Satya he was totally lost. Karna had nothing to feel now. His feelings were gone with his those sons. Bana took his laughter with him. Chitra his pride. Satya his solace. Now none world disturb Karna as a father. As the boys were all gone. Forever.

      Kumar Duryodhan (Duryi)

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      Kumar Duryodhan (Duryi)

"Ham in hatya wo ke pratishod lenge, Mitra. Tumhare apni saugandh. Yeah Duryodhan badla toh abasya lega. (I promise to avenge this deaths. I take your oath. This Duryodhan will surely take revenge of those brutal killings.)" He assured his best friend. Perhaps that was the time from when he had become so angry on Pandava that he did not dare to think anything except revenge. So this was the reason for which Avimanyu was soon to be killed brutally too. The evil planning of his murder had been started from that very day. When you planned to kill the sons of others your fate will write the same story in yours too. It had to happen in the case of Pandava and Lord Krishna too. All of them had to loss their sons soon. Only one son of all five Pandava siblings were alive. After this blood thirsty war. Of Justice against injustice.

Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Devi (Karna Series 3) Where stories live. Discover now