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"This is insane." I sigh shaking my head in disbelief wondering what in the world did I get myself into. I was in front of the swellville bank ready with four other friends to rob the bank. All armed and in disguise.

We where all wearing black and our faces where covered with a black mask. Me an Joshua had a duffle bag to put as much money as we can and the the other 3 where responisible for cornering everyone and forcing the bank tellers to open the vault. We all really needed the money and this was the only way.

Well, it was stupid and insane but one of my friend's who was in bed with a terrible illness. His parents didn't have enough money for treatement and where working really hard to save as much money as they can.

We try to applied for jobs but non of us seem to be hiring due to not having no experience which was irritating. The only solution that we can come up with was stole the bank. Well more like Jay's idea. A desperate one.

The plan was for sure going to work. Five of us where going to robb the bank while the other two people where going to steal cars and make a whole sceen to let the cops their way and the heros. Once its all done we will get out and go home as quickly as possible and erase all evidence of us commiting a crime.

If the two people due get capture we will have enough money to bail them out. Then we can go back to living our nornal lives as if nothing has happened. We where experts at this and this is not the first time doing this. We succeded again and again. We where actually well known as the best bank robbers of all time.

We all grew up in Swellville and never stold a bank here due to the hereos, Kid Danger and Captain Man. We even go to other states to robb banks just for the thrill of it and the adrenaline of running from the cops. We escaped mutiple times and never got caught. This time is different.

We needed the money now. We couldn't go to a far bank because Mason our friend needed treatment asap. So Swellville bank was the closest, obviously and had to think this through. Especially with the famous heros. So we had to think of a plan and make sure we dont get caught.

"It is insane but we have to do it." Sarah says with a hint of uncertain in her voice. We where all nervous and knew we had no other choice.

"For Mason." Jasper says reminding everyone as to why we are doing this.

"For Mason." We all repeated casually hanging out on a sidewalk near the stores preparing for our cue to start. The bank was just across from us and had been waiting for closing hours so there wouldn't be much civilians. Just the workers closing everything up.

There was a few cars passing by and there was people getting out of work and heading home. Some went to get groceries and some just went for their daily jog.

Jay's walkie talkie finally turned off and the voice of Mitch said, "First criminal mission on Swellville to rob the bank is finally here. We are currently running away from the cops now. Copy over."

This was our cue and we all immediatly prepared ourselves. We all crossed over the road and went behind the desktop dumpster. We all put on our mask and make sure we where all covered and made our ways inside the bank.

As soon as we where all in I immediately closed the glass door and locked it making sure no one exist. Jay and Jasper pointed their guns at the bank tellers who gasp and quickly put their hands up. Sarah make sure to corner the remaining civilians, "everybody take out your phones and put them in the bag." Sarah demanded. Quickly everyone listened and with shaky hands handed over their electrical devices.

Jasper looks at me and nods signalling to be ready to get the money. "So far everything is good." Steve says next to me who was also going to help me carry the duffel bags to the black van hidding in the woods not to far from the bank.

"Quickly walk over the vault and open it now." Jay demanded the poor old lady who cries silently and goes to the vault. With shaky hands she puts in the password and opens it. "Good. Now go sit with the others." He growls. She rushes towards the others and sat down on the floor with them looking down avoiding eye contact.

Steve and I quickly rush to the vault and put as many money inside the duffle bag as possible. Jasper just made himself comfortable on the counter protecting the help buttom to call for emergency. "This is fun." He says looking at the civilians feeling a bit bad but quickly shakes his head knowing they where doing this for Mason.

As I was putting the money inside the duffle bag Steve was smiling like a maniac loving this. "God. I think the plan is going great." He takes out his phone and puts on the news seeing it was live. I look at it seeing the black car merging lanes and running at fast speed avoiding cars and the police behind.

"As you can see. There is a high speed chase car going on in swellville." The reporter stated. "And look there is the helicopter from Captain man!" He exclaims exictedly.

Steve puts the phone away and grins at me, "see. Everything all going according to plan." I chuckle and both high five each other feeling proud of ourselves. "It was a succeess." I say with confidence.


We did escaped and our prediction did came true. Mitch and Jason did get cuaght and where out of jail. They spend their time in jain for 3 days after we took them out. It was all worth it and now Mason is getting his treatment.

I walked with Jasper inside the school smiling and laughing. We stopped halfway down the hallway and he turnd to me with a grin, "Thanks. Now lets pretend we dont know each other." I nodded and walked away seeing Jasper going to his friends, Charlotte and Henry and took out a bucket acting a whole different person compare to when he is with us.

"You want to see my bucket collection!!"

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