The 2nd and 3rd years smiled at your sight and Tanaka and Noya ran to hug you, and to the 1st years' surprise, you ran to them too. They were your friends, so... you were used to them acting up.

"I'm so glad they're not in the same class" Ennoshita laugh-sighed.

"That would've been a mess" Kinoshita added, and Narita just nodded.

"Oi! I heard you" you pointed at them, making them scare-jump in place and start looking around whistling like nothing happened.

Suddenly there was a loud thud, and then someone yelled "Hinata, boke!"

You've never heard that voice or name before, so you guessed they were those 1st years Suga wanted you to put on track.

"Oiiii! Is she also a volleyball manager? Do we have two? Are we like," someone started saying but got cut off when Daichi gathered all the team so you could meet them all.

"Hello! My name is LN YN, I'm a second year, and even though I'm not going to be your manager, I'll make sure to help you with everything I can." you bowed and introduced yourself to the new faces.

"YN-chan!" Tanaka and Noya were moved by your words.

"Hello! I'm Hinata Shoyo, nice to meet you!" said a really joyful boy with orange hair before bowing at you, making you giggle.

You glanced at the rest of them, they quickly introduced themselves to you and bowed as well. You were taken aback at how tall one of them was, since you were only 1,61cm tall. However, another boy in particular caught your attention, and you felt fairly intimidated by his sharp glare.

"Nice to meet you." he rapidly said before everyone ran back to the court to resume practice, and you barely understood what he said.

"Hinata Shoyo, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei," you repeated in your head, since you weren't so good at remembering names "And, Kageyama Tobio" you quickly glanced at him.

For Kageyama though... This first encounter was somehow different.

The moment he saw you coming into the gym, he could feel like time stopped. Your eyes and your smile sparkled and lightened the whole gymnasium. He couldn't take his eyes off you, and I guess that's why he didn't see that ball coming right at him. The contact of the ball against his torso resulted in a loud thud.

"Hinata, boke!" he yelled at Hinata

"Why do you yell at me?! You should've received that!"

Kageyama turned to look at you again, drawing Hinata's attention.

"Oiiii! Is she also a volleyball manager? Do we have two? Are we like," Hinata yelled with energy before being interrupted by their Captain.


"Hello! My name is LN YN, I'm a second year, and even though I'm not going to be your manager, I'll make sure to help you with everything I can."

He listened closely as you spoke, not being able to take his eyes off you. He was fine just a minute ago, so why did he have a stomach ache all of a sudden? Did he eat too fast? Was he allergic to something? How odd.

Two weeks later...

About two weeks passed since you first went to the gymnasium and introduced yourself to the new members. You were busy with your classes and training, so you didn't show up much to volleyball practice, not as much as someone would have liked.

Kageyama was eager to see you again, and for the past two weeks he'd run faster than usual towards volleyball practice, hoping you'd appear. He eventually gave up and returned to walk towards the gym at his usual pace.

It was Monday and you finished Taekwondo practice earlier than usual, so you checked the time on your phone and decided to pass by the guys' gymnasium, since it had been a while and you had promised Kiyoko you'd try to go.

You started walking towards the gym, the squeaking sound of sneakers could be heard from afar. You peeped in from the door and you found the team practicing serves and receives. As soon as you stepped in, though, a ball flew right towards you. Thankfully, you were quick enough to knock the ball without flinching. There was a moment of silence, as everyone turned around to look at who got hit.

"YN-chan?" you heard Asahi say, running towards you "I'm so sorry."

"If you ever want me to receive, I'd rather know it beforehand," you casually said, grabbing the ball and tossing it back to him before walking towards Kiyoko and the older men sitting beside her. You dropped down your school bag and glanced at Kiyoko, who was looking at you with a proud smirk on her face.

"Are you okay, LN-chan?" Takeda Sensei asked you.

"Yeah, I'm used to getting hit all the time," you said, shrugging. Kiyoko chuckled at you, getting what you meant. However, Takeda Sensei and Coach Ukai looked up at you, expecting you would explain a little further "Oh!" you exclaimed, "I mean, I do martial arts, so I'm used to getting hurt, this was nothing." you waved your hand and they hummed, still a bit concerned.

During practice Kageyama glanced at you many times, and you caught him by surprise a few. Maybe it was because he didn't properly know you, you were new, after all. Even so, you wished he'd stop glancing at you, as you could feel his sharp eyes on you and it was making you feel out of place.

Practice finished and you headed home, walking to the bus stop with Kiyoko and the 3rd years as usual.

"So, YN-chan," Suga started saying "Did you enjoy practice today?"

"I actually did," you admitted "Although I'd rather not have balls flying at me the second I walk in," you eyed Asahi and he began to apologize all over again, making you laugh "I'm kidding, haven't you noticed that I'm super strong?" and they all laughed at your remark.

"What did you think of the first years?" Suga asked again.

"I guess they're fine," you shrugged "Although I haven't seen that quick attack that you bragged about yet" you pointed out.

"It's true, they didn't try it today." Asahi said.

"Kageyama seemed off today." Daichi spoke, and Suga and Asahi looked at him, humming and nodding, as if they were thinking.

"Kageyama is the one with black hair and sharp blue eyes, am I right?" you asked, as you weren't so good at remembering names.

"Indeed" Daichi replied to you, "Why? Did you notice something?"

"He kept glancing at me," you admitted and they looked at you.

"That's true, I noticed." Kiyoko confirmed.

"It was weird, but I guess he might've felt anxious or something since I'm a newcomer."

"I don't picture Kageyama getting anxious," Suga said "He's too calm for that."

"Well, I don't know," you shrugged. "I just know what I saw, and it was weird."

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