Chapter 3

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I love KitKats. They're the BEST chocolate known to mankind. How have I not tried these before?

My eyes are close as I eat the sweet chocolate I paid Tom to get for me. Well tried to- he didn't want my money. Apparently it's his way of helping the poor. Which I would say is an exaggeration but dear Father doesn't give me any allowance any time.

"I love you." I declare to Lorenzo, opening my eyes. His skin turns the slightest shade of pink. "Thank you for introducing me to this piece of heaven."

Tom scoffs "I was the one who got it for you, where's my thank you?" I roll my eyes even as I'm smiling. "Thank you Tommy for apparating to the muggle world and getting me KitKats."

"Tommy?" Daphne asks while slightly giggling at the nickname I gave Tom when I was a toddler. Tom's pale skin gets added color as a small smile traces his lips. Is he inlove?

"Well she's the only one who can call me that." He says glaring each person in the little circle we made on the courtyard to make his point clear. Mattheo and I exchange knowing grins.

"Can Draco call you that?" Mattheo asks.

"No" Tom says, already bored.

"Can Pansy call you that?" I follow.

"No" Tom repeats

"Astoria?" Mattheo says, his grin getting as wide as a Cheshire cat's.

"No" Tom rolls his eyes

"And how about...Daphne?" I ask, anticipation clawing at my brain.

Tom hesitates for a moment but before he can speak a girl comes strutting with a mad expression on her face.

"Mattheo Riddle." She says with a strict tone. Her voice has such a high pitch it's funny instead of scary, she looks a year below us.

"Can I help you?" He asks while rolling his eyes, seemingly oblivious to who the girl is.

The girl seems taken back from his clear obliviousness.

"Y-you made love to me before winter break." She scoffs in disbelief. Me and Tom both turn our heads the other way, uncomfortable hearing about our brother's sex Life.

"I did?" He asks confused. I feel bad for the girl, although I can't see her face anymore, she looked like an angel.

"What's your name again?" Pansy spits out. I turn my head back towards the direction of the group in curiosity.

"I- uhm. Elizabeth." She finally says.

"Well , I-uhm Elizabeth, he clearly doesn't remember you, nor does he want to, move on." Pansy responds while rolling her eyes. Jeez when did she get so mean. Mattheo's eyes glance over at her with pride in them.

Are they dating? No... she's his best friend's ex, of 6 years, he wouldn't do that...right?

"Riddle problem!" I declare as both my brothers groan.

"Right now?" Mattheo asks.

"Yes." I say dragging them with me to an empty corner of the courtyard, and leaving our confused group of friends behind. Riddle problem is something I invented. Whenever we need to have a family emergency (family includes siblings only) we call riddle problem, and the other two siblings have to go no matter what.

"What is it? We haven't used riddle problem in months." Tom says.

"Yeah, yeah. Quick question when were you guys going to tell me you were each dating someone?" I ask, hurt clear in my voice.

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