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I wake up but I'm in my dorm not that cold dark cell ! I think to myself what the fuck is going on ? Pansy comes back in from the bathroom shouting you have a date today . A date with who I question? She laughs Barty obviously she replies , I think to my self was that all a dream what happened or is it something more I didn't have more time to think about it I before pansy is rushing me to get ready so she can get her favourite pancakes and strawberries . I quickly get ready but tell pansy to go on without me and I will catch up with her in a sec . As I make my way to the great hall I bump into Mattheo and he said the exact same thing as he did in my dream don't go on that date ! I remember about what happened if I did go on that date I sense a gut feeling not to go on that date but I suddenly realise who I'm standing infront of and snap back into reality . I see he observing me and looking at me and eyeing me up a down with his tongue pressed against his cheek as I begin to walk away a hand snakes a incredibly strong pulls me he whispers in my ear you will thank my later princess .... and let's go of me . What does he mean I blushes but I think to my self yn this is Mattheo the same Mattheo who is the reason you are a deatheater I stop blushes and I turns to angry . I quickly walk to the great hall and sit down pansy gives me the look like what the hell took 500 years I just say I couldn't find my shoes and she believes it and goes back to eating. Me Enzo and Theo we're having a conversation about who the worst and best teachers out all three of us agreed snape is the worst and how I say snape is a smash and they both pretend to be sick I laugh . However our conversation I stopped when dumbledore goes up to the front to give a speech Enzo whisper to me not another one of this fucking boring speech's !! I laugh and get looks from other Slytherins to why I was laughing. However it all goes silent when dumbledore announces Hogwarts will be holding the annual triwizard tournament and he blabs on about the rules I don't listen apart from the age to enter is 17+ pick up there is a age rating of 17+ but so it irrelevant to all of us who are 16 after a good 30 minutes he finish about the tournament with he speech and we all go back to the common room however Mattheo , Draco and Blaise know where to be seen the whole time so we have no idea where they are but the four of us , all go sit in the common room with Theo and Enzo on one sofa and me and pansy on the other we talk for ages and I can't help but help think to my self how I am so lucky to have these guys as my best friend and how I couldn't have any better friends . anyways after a while we start to drink passing the fire whiskey between us letting it burn down our throats we start  taking shots and just continued to talk about what's on our minds just now we are slightly drunk . I haven't told them about me being a deatheater but that's something I will never tell them . Then all of a sudden we hear the footsteps of the three boys Mattheo at the front and Draco and Blaise walking slightly behind him . They walk in a sit on the other sofa Mattheo ask what the fuck have you four been up to I reply back with a slightly drunk response drinking doesn't take a genius he bites he cheek .Anyways pansy do you wanna go back to our dorm now it's kind of getting late she agrees. Pansy I panic I forgot my date oh shit yn you did !!! Well there not much I can do . something in my gut today was telling me that I should not go on that date and I'm so glad I didn't. This was the day I learned about my vision and how I could see into the future and maybe this is why Voldemort wants me .

 YN Malfoy x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now