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Liked by Eliwest, Calista2

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Liked by Eliwest, Calista2.0, and 45k Others

Stillluna i haven't done one of these in a while, Photo dump!

Tagged Eliwest, Taylorswift✔️

View all 24k comments

Username yall are so cute

Username The Lunar content we are gettingggg

Eliwest Not the one with the glasses i look like a professor 😭
StillLuna tbh you do 😂

Username so like Taylor and Luna, and Eli are just like best friends now?
Username There like the 3 chipmunks, Simon, Alvin, and Thedore

Taylorswift✔️ me and the christmas tree 😂
Stillluna you were just staring at it
Taylorswift✔️ its so pretty

Username they look like her having so much fun

Username in the 3rd picture is Luna wearing one of Taylor's hoodies?
Username OMG yes!
Username i noticed that too!

Username did anyone else notice that Luna's ex liked her post?
Username yeah that's definitely weird


"So i've been thinking" Taylor started, the three were sitting in the living room.

"That's not good," Luna laughed, and looking up from her phone, Taylor stuck her tongue out at her.

"As I was saying, I think I want to come out to my friends at christmas" taylor smiles. Luna dropped her phone, she was so proud of Taylor, how far she has come.


"Yeah, i think it's time, plus that would make my gift to you a hole lot easter to give you" she laughed, "then after that i'm going to tell my parents, about me and you"

"I'm so proud of you Tay, this is a big step." Luna Smiled and kissed her lips. "I love you"

"I love you too" Taylor smiled, and hugged her, Eli let them have a moment before he joined in. They all laughed and hugged each other.

"So about that party? Are we invited?" Eli questioned, and looked between the two girls.

"Yes obviously, you idiot" Taylor giggled, "it's you guys, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Selena Gomez, Dylan O'brian, Sabrina Carpenter, Olivia Rodrego. And some other close friends from school."

"Is Abby coming?" Luna questions, Taylor nodded her head. "Yay!! I get to meet your best friend" she clapped and both Taylor and Eli laughed.

"Luna, could you go get me a pop out of the fridge?" Eli asked, and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah I can, tay do you want one?"

"Sure" Taylor smiled, and as soon as she left. Eli spoke.

"What one did you decide?"

"The gold one, with the teal gem, to match my necklace" Taylor smiled and touched her gem she had on.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

What do you think Taylor is getting her?



qotd: What's something you want to see happen?

I would love to hear your ideas:)

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