
Two years later

Many things happened in those two years. Wei Zhan joined the army and made good progress. He would write regularly to Lusi and Reba. He became more close to Reba than Lusi. Sometimes, he would send gifts for Lusi and Reba.

In those two years, Lan Yibo changed very much. He wasn't very sick like before. He didn't recover fully but he was healthy than before. He became more close to Lan Ziyi.

Ziyi was treating Yibo from the moment she came into Yibo's life and Yibo's health condition was improving. Last year, she started to teach Yibo some self-defense technic so that he could protect himself in the future.

Yibo was very happy when Ziyi said that he would start his martial arts training. He practiced secretly. Only his father and his mama.

Although Yibo became strong and quiet healthy but he always pretend to be sick to get his mother's attention. No matter how much Ziyi loved him, Yibo always curved for Lan Shishi's love. He was ready to do anything to get Shishi's attention.

Most of the time, Yibo stayed alone with Ziyi. Sometimes, his elder brother Lan Kuan and Lan Yanli gave him company. They took him to market or fun places. Sometimes, they played with him.

Yibo was the apple of everyone's eyes expect his aunt and his cousins. He didn't get along with his cousins as they envied him to get everyone's attention. They always mocked him for being a ger and for being weak. Yibo always endured it so that his mother would payed attention to him and punished his cousins.

Although Shishi didn't show her love for Yibo but she always took care of Yibo's every needs. She knew that Yibo practice material arts but pretended to not know. She knew Yibo's every trick and honestly she enjoyed these. She knew that Yibo thought that she ignored him. But her son was too cute to be ignored.


Eight years old Lan Yibo was playing with his cousins Lan Lianhua and Lan Liang. Lianhuan was a ger. He was also eight years old like Yibo. Liang was Lianhua's sister. She was six years old. Both of Lianhua and Liang were the children of Wei Feisheng and Lan Xiangyi.

The three younger Lans were playing with wooden sword when Lianhua's twin step brother Jing and sister Ling came there and snatched their swords.

"Give our sword back." Liang said.

"You are too young to play with a sword." Jing said.

"Give our sword back, Jing, Ling." Lianhua said coldly.

"What will you do with a sword?" Jing asked.

"You two are gers. You better learn house chore than playing. After all you two are going to be concubines and concubines should be obedient. And if you two are lucky enough you two can be princes concubines." Ling said mockingly and Jing laughed while Yibo and Lianhua became angry.

"I will never become a concubine." Yibo said angrily.

"Then what will you be? A main wife? Dream on you weakling. No one take a concubine as their main wife. Gers are born to be concubines." Ling said.

"It's not true." Lianhua said and Ling rolled her eyes.

"It's the truth. Your mother is a great warrior but he is still a concubine, isn't he?" Jing said and crossed his hands on his chest.

"Even though my mother is a concubine but Father loves my mother more than your mother." Lianhua said with a smirk.

"Yeah, Uncle loves Uncle Xiangyi more than Aunt Liqiao. He took Uncle Xiangyi everywhere with him. But he can't stand Aunt Liqiao more than an hour. He even love his children from Uncle Xiangyi more than his children from Aunt Liqiao." Yibo said innocently.

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