I just want him to know that I'm here as his friend who's ready to listen, all he needs to do is let me in his walls just so I can understand him better.

"Come in," Anton told me, opening his door wider. I went in, and I was shocked to see the amount of paper on the floor. His room isn't messy, heck, he's a neat freak, but there were tons of paper on the floor and his keyboard and laptop were on the floor as well.

I guess I already have an idea what's up.

"Did someone hurt you during your party?" I asked, trying my best not to sound angry, and there I finally saw a bit of emotion in Anton's eyes. Shame and guilt. Why does he looked ashamed and guilty? What happened during their party?

"Just some seniors. They were joking around, and someone said my works weren't really that good. And I understand that criticism is important, but I don't know... the way he said it was so harsh, and he was harsher to me compared to the other freshmen, and I was just kinda hurt about it, especially when he compared me to my dad. He even deleted my works, good thing I have an extra copy." He explained, and I was so shock that I couldn't say something immediately. His senior did what?

"I know it's shallow. See? This is all normal, I just can't help but feel a bit hurt and they said it's part of growing as a musician, so I'm trying my best to produce another melody that he'll like. I told you I'm fine—"

"No, it's not shallow, Anton. Heck. Give me the name of that senior! I'm going to shove all these papers down his fucking throat! I just know some seniors are bullies whenever they see a freshman who's a threat to them! Because why would he delete your works? Who gave him the right to do that?" I couldn't help but voice out my anger, because his situation was kinda the same with Sungchan's situation when he was also a freshman.

My older brother got bullied too during his freshman year. Like severly bullied, both physically and emotionally by graduating students just because he's a famous rookie athlete, but of course, Sungchan didn't take any of their bullshits, and just went straight to their college's chairperson to report those bullies—after breaking some of their bones too.

I just wish Anton would've done the same. But, he's too nice to even think that someone's trying to bully him. I'm also in an arts related major, so I know that workshops can be really harsh when it comes to criticizing your artwork, but to actually delete it?

He gave his all into those melodies and songs he was working on, and some senior just decided to delete it? What would've happen if Anton didn't have any copy? What would he put on his portfolio when the time comes?

Also, do they really have to bring his dad up in their conversation? I know that his Dad is a famous singer, but still, why did they have to compare them both? Their music genres are far different from each other.

"I know I'm a nepo baby since I am in the same field as my dad, but I've also tried my best to be where I am now using my own talent. Is it really that hard for them to understand?" I heard Anton murmuring to himself. I let out a deep sigh before going next to him to give him a hug.

"I saw you working your ass off just to get into the best university in Seoul. If they can't understand that, then they're just a bunch of stupid people. Don't mind them, okay? Just tell them to fuck off and go listen to Born this Way by Lady Gaga," I tried to joke to lighten up his mood, and I was so glad when he finally smiled.

"You're right. Thank you, Yuyu. For being here. I really wanna talk about it with our friends, but I'm so scared that they'll find my problem too shallow. Add the fact that I'm a guy, but I'm so sensitive." He told me, but I immediately shook my head.

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