《Chapter 4《Part 1》》

Start from the beginning

I didn't reply, deciding to stare at the buzzing streets down below, people so small they looked like ants and the colours of lights fading in and out.

"There have been stories documented throughout history. None with solid evidence; all those stories are now known as myths, but that doesn't mean it never happened before. And even if it never happened, it doesn't mean there won't be a first time." Zhouxuan allowed silence to fall, "why the sudden question, ZhanZhan?" I avoided her burning gaze, knowing she had me cornered with that question because, indeed, why?

I was about to open my mouth, trying to come up with a reply, when the door burst open, and Miuka appeared, her hair slightly dishevelled and a manic look in her eyes.

"They need your help at the front desk, Chen Jie. A lady is going insane, and the bodyguards won't keep up much longer if they can't get physical with her." We both immediately stood up as Miuka turned around, expecting us to follow as she rushed towards the lift, waving for Ice to keep it open.

"What's exactly happening?" Zhouxuan asked as I stepped into the lift, deciding to take the corner the farthest away from Ice, who ignored me.

"This elderly lady wished to speak to an agent, but the front desk explained to her we're just a corporation funeral business, but she claimed to know more., and then started screaming at everyone trying to reason with her." Ice pitched, staring right in front of him, shaking his head.

"Why does she want to speak to any of our agents?" Chen Jie asked as Miuka sighed, ruffling a hand through her hair, "it's because of her son." Before Miuka could say another word, the lift door opened.

The scene unfolding in front of us was chaotic, to say the least; three bodyguards were trying to hold back a woman in her late forties. The lady was screaming, crying and muttering words I couldn't make any sense out of.

She looked dishevelled, loose strands of hair sticking out of her ponytail and her make-up slightly messed up.

My eyes roamed the room as they crossed the little princes who walked in front of the entrance on the other side, with my father following in hot pursuit.

Chen Jie's heels were loudly clicking as the woman looked up, and Chen Jie approached her, her customer smile gracing her face as she bowed a little for the woman, "Miss, how can I assist you?"

Chen Jie gestured at the bodyguards, who let the woman go, but not without assuring she was steady on her feet.

I glanced over my shoulder at Miuka, with Ice beside her, watching from beside the lift, their eyes intent on the woman.

The woman spoke to Zhouxuan almost animatedly as she gestured with her hands, and I watched my father approach them while the little prince walked to me, worry clouding his face.

"Are you okay, Zhan ge?" I nodded, still keeping my eyes on the scene, watching my father trying to speak to the woman who continued frantically motioning with her hands; when she looked up, her eyes crossed mine, and I saw her eyes being bloodshot.

I was so focused that I barely noticed someone touching my shoulder until Miuka spoke, "Xiao Zhan?" I hummed, half-glancing at her over my shoulder.

"I don't wanna make any assumptions, but I think I have seen that lady?"

"What?" I swirled around, staring at her, the little prince steadying me with a hand on my back.

"If I am correct," Miuka said, winking at Ice to come over, "she is Ely's mother." Ice looked at the woman again, who was now seemingly a lot calmer but still fiddled with her fingers.

"Who's Ely?" The little prince and I asked in unison, causing Miuka to giggle.

"Ely is a famous artist who disappeared from the spotlight because of controversies. He passed away, I believe, barely a week ago," Ice said, his eyes on the woman.

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